

I'm sure this has been thoroughly covered in some long ago thread topic, but I was wondering if someone could tell me just what KPS stands for concerning the speed of WC fighters. If it were kilometers per second, the ships could not be controlled by human or feline pilots. The only other possible unit I can think of offhand would be klicks, but that's a guess. What would 500 or so KPS be if converted to MPH? It seems that the ships close on stationary targets awfully slowly during atmospheric missions..................That is of course being contingent on whether or not I'm still a welcome member of this group?
McGruff said:
I'm sure this has been thoroughly covered in some long ago thread topic, but I was wondering if someone could tell me just what KPS stands for concerning the speed of WC fighters. If it were kilometers per second, the ships could not be controlled by human or feline pilots. The only other possible unit I can think of offhand would be klicks, but that's a guess. What would 500 or so KPS be if converted to MPH? It seems that the ships close on stationary targets awfully slowly during atmospheric missions..................That is of course being contingent on whether or not I'm still a welcome member of this group?

Considering that we use destroyers and capships travelling at 10000kps while travelling between jump points, 'klicks per second' is as good a unit as any, especially since it's a relative measurement linked to a specific point in the system - be it your homebase, the system's primary, or a target. It's also noted that we have to move fairly slowly in atmosphere, which is why all those atmospheric missions of WC4 seemed rather 'slow' compared to space ones; in End Run, it's noted that anything beyond one or two KPS is far too fast in atmosphere, due to friction.

I'd try an online converter, if you're having problems with KPS -> MPH conversions - just remember first to convert from KPS to KPH, then turn KPH to MPH. That or the 'Search' function on the board works pretty well...
"Klicks" is slang for "Kilometers".

(Note that the *airspeed* of WC fighters is around .5 kps, according to End Run...)
So you're saying that if an Arrow's gauge reads 520 KPS, the speed is actually .52 kilometers per second?
No, I'm not - the End Run reference is only to airspeed (as in, speed in an atmosphere). Read the thread linked above for details on KPS/KPSr and such.
So all ships have equal speeds on atmosphere?

Well, since the WC ships do aerodynamic flight on atmosphere, but rahter some other system, it would make sense that they have similar speeds. They use anti-grav or somethink like that, correct? After all, they should be moving much slower than on space, due to the presence of air.

It's nice to notice that you can't tell that when fighting Vindicators on WC4, but that's because it's a game. :)