About the clans involed in the five-sided Kilrathi civil war...

Hello everyone, is there any official information indicating the clans involed in the five-sided Kilrathi civil war? How do the clans make the five factions?

I'm a new fan, and I've read limited materials. I flipped through threads recently, but did not find the answer.

And... is there a positive description of this civil war? Also, did the war against Nephilim happen during the civil war?

Thank you very much!
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I don't think very many details are ever given about the civil war. Their are eight noble Kilrathi clans, presumably they were all involved in the war in some way. Their are also an unknown number of lesser clans many, and perhaps all of them, would have taken part in the war. The civil war was still doing on when the Nephilim arrived and, considering how big the Nephilim war was, it seems likely that the Kilrathi stopped fighting each other in order to fight them.
I don't think very many details are ever given about the civil war. Their are eight noble Kilrathi clans, presumably they were all involved in the war in some way. Their are also an unknown number of lesser clans many, and perhaps all of them, would have taken part in the war. The civil war was still doing on when the Nephilim arrived and, considering how big the Nephilim war was, it seems likely that the Kilrathi stopped fighting each other in order to fight them.

Thanks so much!
The idea of the five faction civil war was introduced in the Wing Commander IV novelization but again very few details. We had some bits and pieces in Star*Soldier but never a specific story. We worked out some of this for Star*Soldier (the Wing Commander Arena manual). The idea there was to present an in-universe dipstick for the universe in 2701 that could be filled in later by future stories. The five major factions we decided on were the Sihkag, the Ki'ra, the Qarg Governorship, the Kiranka Overlay and Murragh's Empire. The thought was that all the other clans would either be allied with these groups or they'd be also-rans.

I have pitched a Kilrathi Civil War story before and we almost used it as the setting for a mobile game at one point... but it's truly better for all involved that that didn't work out. :) My thought was to address the need to 'bring back' the Kilrathi while still continuing the story by having the Confederation begin supporting one of the factions... think the Vietnam War in space where you start out as a military adviser to some clan or faction fighting other cats and eventually come to see everything isn't quite on the level.
Thanks so much LOAF!

I am reading the Wing Commander Arena manual. And... I just found a name of Kulnak “Baron Ki’ra” nar Ki’ra. Who is this pilot?
My thought was to address the need to 'bring back' the Kilrathi while still continuing the story by having the Confederation begin supporting one of the factions...
I think this idea is really interesting. In the design, could the player choose which specific faction to support?
Sorry, it may be a bit off topic, but I think maybe I could post some portraits I have drawn for Action Stations Chapter 1. I drew drafts of all the characters whose identity is identified and showing their faces in the Imperial palace scene and speaks, and all these portraits are in this picture:


I would like to invite you old super fans to guess who they are. If old super fans recognizes them correctly, then there might be no serious deviation in my works.

Hint: One character appeared twice with two different expressions here and there is also a character that doesn't appear in this scene (in 2634, he was not yet born or still very young, I think).

In fact, I haven't painted seriously for many years. My previous experience was graffiti on exercise books in high school. I am so grateful that Action Stations gave me the enthusiasm to pick up the pen again. I know this portrait style I tried may be quite different from the original. A friend of mine gave me some confidence. He said that if fans want to see the original style, they will go to the game, and my own creation needs to come with my own style. Now I have the courage to post these drafts here.

Although I have known the name of Wing Commander series for a long time, actually I getting in touch with the series of games and novels is a matter of recent months. So my understanding may be very limited, and there may be deviations in specific details such as clothing, please correct me.

In fact, I would like to use the visual novel engine Ren'Py to present certian scenes of Action Stations and other novels. Under consideration of game operability, I hope that the main timeline of this visual novel starts at a certain point several years after the end of the Terran-Kilrathi War, in a certain earth city far from the center of the whirlpool, some people are talking about history fragments in order to bring out the some scenes in the novels.

I am not sure if this idea is reasonable, so I would like to try my best to understand the relevant backstory and this is the purpose of this thread.

BTW, FF14 Hrothgars are really great as the character body and facial models.


  • Portraits.png
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Almost forgot... the group of portraits above does not include an important juvenile who has no dialog lines in this scene.
I am reading the Wing Commander Arena manual. And... I just found a name of Kulnak “Baron Ki’ra” nar Ki’ra. Who is this pilot?

The answer isn't too satisfying! They had a giant list of callsigns that populate the player-versus-AI game modes... and that included a "Baron {variable}" for each of the clans for Kilrathi NPCs.

I think this idea is really interesting. In the design, could the player choose which specific faction to support?

It was all blue sky stuff done before thoughts about budget or time... so yes! :) My thought was to go back to the original "Squadron" pitch and have it be a choice between two sides (Confederation and whichever we position as the honorable-and-good clan) at the end. Of course they wanted to do that for Wing Commander IV, too, and time and dollars got in the way.

Sorry, it may be a bit off topic, but I think maybe I could post some portraits I have drawn for Action Stations Chapter 1. I drew drafts of all the characters whose identity is identified and showing their faces in the Imperial palace scene and speaks, and all these portraits are in this picture:

These are super cool and you should also feel free to start a thread so that more people see them! You're very good at capturing a classic Kilrathi sense. They remind me of the original concept artwork for the Kilrathi (that was reprinted as the ace portraits in Claw Marks).

I'm no good at guessing and in fact can't think of six Kilrathi in the scene (if one isn't Jukaga!)... but:

- Vakka
- Not sure! (or maybe Vakka?)
- Gilkarg
- The Emperor
- Young Thrakhath
- Ratha
These Kats do look really nice. This kind of art could definitely help more narrative-focused projects. :-)
Upper right one reminds me of Baktosh Redclaw....I think it's the headgear. Upper left one might be Gilkarg. Lower left might be Kratagh N'Ryllis. Can only guess on the others - upper middle I might say Melek but I think that's because that's been hinted elsewhere.

If you're interested in more characters with associated names, you might look at Elegy Chapter 7.1, specifically the main characters of the Demon's Eye Pack. They're not canon, but I certainly hope their bios are at least compelling.
Thank you everyone for your encouragement!

So, more hints:

a b c
d e f

a and d are the same character.
And b once said "Hmm, it's a decision I do not regret. "

The Emperor is here:

(Sorry, I haven't finished this one yet. I haven't seen all the patterns on the Emperor's throne clearly. )
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These are super cool and you should also feel free to start a thread so that more people see them! You're very good at capturing a classic Kilrathi sense. They remind me of the original concept artwork for the Kilrathi (that was reprinted as the ace portraits in Claw Marks).

Thanks so much for the support, now I have more motivation to continue. I think I will start a new thread when the draft of the next character is completed (may be Harga or juvenile Jukaga). And, I may need to learn coloring, since my experience in this area is still limited.

These Kats do look really nice. This kind of art could definitely help more narrative-focused projects.

Thanks! Actually now I am trying to make such a kind of narrative-focused project (technically with multilingual and dubbing support, and can run on the browser). It would be great if it could help more projects!

If you're interested in more characters with associated names, you might look at Elegy Chapter 7.1, specifically the main characters of the Demon's Eye Pack. They're not canon, but I certainly hope their bios are at least compelling.

Got it! I will read it soon!
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Upper right one reminds me of Baktosh Redclaw....I think it's the headgear. Upper left one might be Gilkarg. Lower left might be Kratagh N'Ryllis. Can only guess on the others - upper middle I might say Melek but I think that's because that's been hinted elsewhere.

If you're interested in more characters with associated names, you might look at Elegy Chapter 7.1, specifically the main characters of the Demon's Eye Pack. They're not canon, but I certainly hope their bios are at least compelling.

Have read some text. But I may read slower because it is a bit difficult to my English reading level, let alone the storyline is... heavy.

The idea of the five faction civil war was introduced in the Wing Commander IV novelization but again very few details. We had some bits and pieces in Star*Soldier but never a specific story. We worked out some of this for Star*Soldier (the Wing Commander Arena manual). The idea there was to present an in-universe dipstick for the universe in 2701 that could be filled in later by future stories. The five major factions we decided on were the Sihkag, the Ki'ra, the Qarg Governorship, the Kiranka Overlay and Murragh's Empire. The thought was that all the other clans would either be allied with these groups or they'd be also-rans.

I have pitched a Kilrathi Civil War story before and we almost used it as the setting for a mobile game at one point... but it's truly better for all involved that that didn't work out. :) My thought was to address the need to 'bring back' the Kilrathi while still continuing the story by having the Confederation begin supporting one of the factions... think the Vietnam War in space where you start out as a military adviser to some clan or faction fighting other cats and eventually come to see everything isn't quite on the level.
I hate mobile games but that idea sounds awesome
You know I said mobile game but it wasn't even that cool... it was a BROWSER GAME. The same initiative got us an Ultima browser game no one remembers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_of_Ultima
Hey, wow, apparently not quite "no one remembers". That wiki page says the game's fans actually put together a Kickstarter to remake the game after it was shut down. I'm actually somewhat impressed. Never would have occurred to me anybody could put down money to remake a free-to-play browser game - even if, of course, the figures are not ultimately anywhere near significant (215 backers, $20,000 raised).