
Grey Wolf

Okay...I had a subject up here a little while ago, asking for help on getting SM and SO for KS. I downloaded them, ( Thanks again, whoever that helpful person was ) unzipped them, an ran the install program.......

As soon as the launcher came up, I clicked to install Secret Missions 1. as it " tried " to install, I kept getting errors, saying that it couldn't copy certain files, and that other files weren't found. Now, at this time, I have both WC1 and 2 installed on my computer.

Now, all of the files it said it couldn't find/copy were in the Winzip box after I unzipped the games. After over a week of seeing this, I am ready to take my service weapon and go on a rampage.

I'm running on Windows 98, and all three of the games in KS run perfectly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Oh what, nobody?

( love that part of MC3 )

Seriously, no ideas? This is driving me nuts. I feel like I'm missing out on a big chunk of the WC story. They're the only WC games I've never gotten to play, and I'm really desperate.
Do you unzip them to a new folder or just the default for Winzip? Try copying the files into your WC directory then installing.

Just the default for winzip...Let me try copying...

Ummm, how do I go about doing that? ( Sorry...know next to nothing about computers. )
Look for an option called Extract To... or similar. I use WinRAR (ZIP-capable, among other things), so I don't really know the program. Anyway, you apparently need to locate your KS-directory. That, we can't do for you. :p I declare that it's easy. Unzip to that directory, try the installation again, succeed, worship. Whee.