5 Best Pc Games According to you..

  • Thread starter Thread starter martineargent
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HI to all
Here is your thread where you can write the name of 5 games that you like most..so this way we can have list of best games in the world..
Here is mine,..
1.prince of persia..
2.half life 2
3.Call of duty 4
4.Left 4 dead
5.Delta force
1. StarCraft
2. Operation Flashpoint
3. Space Quest
4. Aliens vs Predator
5. Duke Nukem 3d

Would of listed the wing commander games but im assuming you meant a list besides those.
1. World in conflict
2. ArmA
3. Alien vs Predator 2 (multiplayer, long live facehuggers!)
4. X3
5. Homeworld

Can think of plenty others that are worthy aswell but these are the ones I been playing recently
1. Wing Commander 1
2. Wing Commander 2
3. Wing Commander 3
4. Wing Commander 4
5. Wing Commander: Privateer
I'm thinking that based on postcount, IP address and generic-ness of the question that the original poster is going to turn around and sell us high quality penis watches... but until that happens:

(Other than Wing Commander/Privateer, doy)

5. X-Wing
4. Ultima VII
3. Commander Keen 4
2. Civilization (Original)
1. Space Quest II
Other signs that this was a spam account waiting to strike:
Posted first thread within two seconds of signing up. (Oddly enough in the correct subforum)
Registered and posted on 480 forums over the course of one day.

1. Transport Tycoon
2. Red Alert
3. Carmageddon
4. Sim City 2000
5. Quarantine
Other signs that this was a spam account waiting to strike:
Posted first thread within two seconds of signing up. (Oddly enough in the correct subforum)
Registered and posted on 480 forums over the course of one day.

1. Transport Tycoon
2. Red Alert
3. Carmageddon
4. Sim City 2000
5. Quarantine

Heh... figures. Hey do you IP ban spam accounts? Just curious as I suppose that could be ezri again, and we seem to have a lot of activity recently in terms of spammers.
I can't tell if we're leaving Wing Commander games out or what, so I'll exclude them, but this question is still easy:
  1. Anachronox
  2. Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain
  3. Doom 3
  4. Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries
  5. Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Without Wing Commander:
1. Civilization
2. Betrayal at Krondor
3. TIE fighter
4. Rome: Total War (Europa Barbarorum mod)
5. The Witcher
Leaving Wing Commander out, and going by two factors--total hours of my life consumed, and likliehood I'll still play the game years later, my list would be:

0). Zork (it's zero because I'm not sure if it counts as a PC game...but it IS the original)

1). Master of Orion I
2). Quest for Glory 1 - So You Want to be a Hero?
3). Warcraft II - Tides of Darkness
4). Starcraft
5). Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Civilization, SimCity, and Minesweeper would all be up there, but don't quite crack the top 5.
Puh, tough question guys...
1. Wing Commander Series
2. Prince of Persia - Sands of Time Series
3. Gothic Series
4. Worms Series
5. X-Com Series (as long as they were turn based)
5th Jedi Knight 1&2
4th Sim City 4 Rush Hour
3rd Master of Orion 2
2nd Wing Commander 1&2
1st X-Wing&TIE Fighter

Honourable mentions:
Commander Keen 2 & 4
Red Baron 1 & 3D
Space Quest 1 & 2
Wing Commander Privateer
Wing Commander 3
Dune 2
Striker (beeing the first game I ever played in 1985 at my dads office computer)
Baldurs Gate 1 & 2
Early Lucas Arts Adventures (Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island 1&2, Day of the Tentacle, Zak)
1 - Starcraft
2 - Wing Commander 3
3 - Doom/Doom2
4 - Wing Commander 1
5 - Diablo 2

But it's not really complete list so also in the first ten are(not placing them one above other):

Wing Commander 4
Jedi Knight II
Command & Conquer Red Alert
Fallout 1&2
Dune 2
5. Commander Keen 1 (good to see so many Keen fans here!)
4. Hidden and Dangerous
3. Command and Conquer: Red Alert
2. Star Trek: Judgment Rites
1. X-Wing

This list is Wing Commander exempt. I’ve also only included games that I played on the PC specifically. Knights of the Old Republic would probably be number one, but I played that on the Xbox.

Honourable Mentions:

Call of Duty
The Dig
Broken Sword
Without wing commander?

that would list to:

1. Tie fighter+addons
3. Doom
4. Double Dragon
5. D/Generation
(WC1, WC2, Privateer, Prophecy/SO/UE/Standoff, WC3)

Old adventures for me:

1.) Monkey Island 1/series
2.) Loom
3.) Fool's Errand (incredible puzzle game)
4.) Larry 1/series
5.) Mean Streets (Tex Murphy series)

Other favs: Grim Fandango, Master of Orion, Populous, Kingmaker, One Must Fall 2097, Dragon Strike, War in Middle Earth, Sword of the Samurai, Red Baron, Max Payne (just playing)