Search results

  1. Bandit LOAF

    Who’s That Lady? (April 30, 2024)

    There's a piece of IMDb trivia that claims the poster in Blair's quarters is Freddie Prinze Jr.'s future wife, Sarah Michelle Gellar. I hate to ruin a non-Star Wars-related Wing Commander factoid but... ... it's not true. It's one of several propaganda posters made for the Tiger Claw sets...
  2. Bandit LOAF

    The Torturous Wing Commander Poetry Department (April 19, 2024)

    I think that works for an overall lore read but since the Pilgrim stuff wasn't around for Claw Marks the intention was probably more that the human culture is portraying the (new) fight with the Kilrathi as similar to a crusade. I think it reflects interestingly on the original 'amoral human...
  3. Bandit LOAF

    The Many Ship Selection Screens of Wing Commander 3 (April 27, 2024)

    Yeah, that's absolutely what happened. So much of the 'lore' aspect we pour over didn't really matter to the actual game... there are no dates or hard references... by the time you got to the FMV games it was rare for the scripts to even have in-universe terms like the names of enemy ships. It...
  4. Bandit LOAF

    The Many Ship Selection Screens of Wing Commander 3 (April 27, 2024)

    Let's compare the Wing Commander 3 ship selection screen across ports! Here's the PC/Mac, 3DO (two screens instead of one) and PlayStation versions of the Arrow... Three Hellcats V, primed, prepped, etc. Thunderbolt! The Longbow is largely cut from the 3DO version; it...
  5. Bandit LOAF

    The Torturous Wing Commander Poetry Department (April 19, 2024)

    Massive thank you to the one person that actually read enough of this to click the discussion button.
  6. Bandit LOAF

    The Torturous Wing Commander Poetry Department (April 19, 2024)

    The Torturous Wing Commander Poetry Department Editor's note: in honor of the pop culture Behemoth that is the release of Taylor Swift's Tortured Poet's Department and the fact that it is the author's birthday and he is allowed one needlessly self-indulgent Wing Commander article per year we...
  7. Bandit LOAF

    New Emulation Rules Bring Classic WC Games to Apple Devices (April 18, 2024)

    So the app itself is a free download from the App Store: For the games you will need to provide a ROM. In theory that means copying your own game but the reality is that the web is full of old game ROMs. Download the one you want in...
  8. Bandit LOAF

    New Emulation Rules Bring Classic WC Games to Apple Devices (April 18, 2024)

    I don't have a Bluetooth SNES pad but an Xbox controller works great.
  9. Bandit LOAF

    Read About How the Iconic Sound of WC3 Was Born (April 14, 2024)

    Chris definitely wanted a different sound (and feel in general) to Wing Commander III but I think a big part of the switch was because he specifically needed a film composer to score the linear cutscenes.
  10. Bandit LOAF

    LOAF's Incredible New Multidisciplinary Wing Commander Thread!

    This is why I had to imagine two lower ranks (spaceman third class?) rather than just add Spaceman Second Class as the lowest one.
  11. Bandit LOAF

    LOAF's Incredible New Multidisciplinary Wing Commander Thread!

    I've been quiet on social... because I've been busy! I got to thinking about Pilgrim Stars, the first 'movie sequel' novel from Peter Telep, last week. You know, the 'Pilgrim' books have always been treated like a bit of a red-headed stepchild in the Wing Commander pantheon... or at least as an...
  12. Bandit LOAF

    Wing Commander Spotify Playlists Streamline the Listening Experience (April 4, 2024)

    I've updated my Wing Commander playlists on Spotify, just for you! First up: the movie score plus the licensed, diegetic tracks. Second, the Wing Commander Prophecy OST recreated from pieces. It's getting closer with each update... we're just lacking, you know, the Cobalt 60 tracks...
  13. Bandit LOAF

    Vintage Prop Action Delivers Glorious High Res Costume Pics (April 2, 2024)

    The recent Heritage Auction of material from Planet Hollywood included several Wing Commander costumes! Which means there are some great high resolution photos to share. Here's Mark Hamill's flight suit from Wing Commander IV: And here is Malcolm McDowell's Black Lance uniform from the...
  14. Bandit LOAF

    Happy CIC Easter! (March 31, 2024)

    Happy Easter! -- Original update published on March 31, 2024
  15. Bandit LOAF

    Tasty Wing Commander Articles from the Computer and Video Game Archive (March 29, 2024)

    Here are a couple of fun treats from poking through an archive of Computer and Video Games magazines. This review of Wing Commander SNES has a neat ship identification chart (where they've colored in the ships)! Here's a June 1994 announcement for a Genesis port of Wing Commander II...
  16. Bandit LOAF

    Identification of Confed's Bar Food (March 27, 2024)

    It's time once again for... SNACKS OF THE TERRAN CONFEDERATION! The famed TCS Victory's rec room always has popcorn on the tables... The Grey Ghost, TCS Lexington, has little bowls of peanuts all around the lounge. ... and finally the megacarrier Midway has a megasnack: big cheeze...
  17. Bandit LOAF

    LOAF's Incredible New Multidisciplinary Wing Commander Thread!

    I realized I could do this all as one sheet and I added the known movie, WC1, WC2 and Privateer rank insignias. Pretty comprehensive, I think! And here are the briefly-seen and slightly-identified Wing Commander movie enlisted insignias:
  18. Bandit LOAF

    LOAF's Incredible New Multidisciplinary Wing Commander Thread!

    Oh and here's a silly little one, I turned the lists of favorite movies from the 1991 Point of Origin into Letterboxd lists. Can you enjoy the same animated movies as Denis Loubet?! Lord British’s Favorite Fantasy/Science Fiction Films Chris Roberts’ Favorite...
  19. Bandit LOAF

    LOAF's Incredible New Multidisciplinary Wing Commander Thread!

    Howdy folks, Still at it with ranks. I decided to try and do a chart of the Wing Commander III, IV and Prophecy ranks sourced as closely as possible and I very quickly figured out that the three games aren't really compatible at all. The rank visuals change between each one. I put together...
  20. Bandit LOAF

    LOAF's Incredible New Multidisciplinary Wing Commander Thread!

    For a few years I've been sharing random Wing Commander deep dives on Twitter. There's nothing I love more than taking some specific question or subject that maybe no one cares about and then looking at it as thoroughly as I can… and Twitter has always fit like a glove for that because it lets...