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  1. K

    Privateer Newbie 3

    Okay... um... how on earth does the original Privateer's economy system work? Costs of commodities don't seem to be based on anything but some randomly generated value within a certain range that changes almost constantly. How are you supposed to tell which places are the cheapest to buy things...
  2. K

    Privateer Newbie 2

    Alright, thanks guys! This game looks really fun... too bad the remake is awful. Its 3D flight engine may be far better, but the rest of the remake is just sad when it comes to immersion -- nothing compared to the original. If you're going to remake a space combat simulator, remake...
  3. K

    Privateer Newie Help

    Privateer Newbie Help Hey all. I wasn't sure where else to ask this, so here I am. I just started Privateer, purchased a laser cannon, and joined the Merchant's Guild. The real deal is this: I have a laser cannon. But I launch from the Achilles mining base (the place where you start the...