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  1. R

    Help with tutorial

    Not really.. I drop the Midway at Nav 2 and go to nav 3, fight a bit, return to Nav 2, grab Midway again and return to nav 1. Just wanted to play a bit with autopilot, BindtoActiveSphere and such.. Making things a bit harder each time.. :p Now I'm into real missions (started yesterday)...
  2. R

    Help with tutorial

    Oh no! THe autopilot lines were fine, it was just that I had a BindtoSphere line in the wrong place and that was causing all the trouble. :D
  3. R

    Need help withan ending

    What's exactly the problem? I've seen something: First, you have: if(M_EnemiesDead) then SF_ObjectiveSetComplete(mobj_defend); SF_SetMissionSuccess; SF_Exit; end; in nav1. Shouldn't you use "then BEGIN"? Maybe it's not necessary (I don't know much Pascal). :p
  4. R

    Help with tutorial

    Thanks for your help. Luckily I got it working already with help from Eder. :D
  5. R

    Help with tutorial

    Thanks for your help! :) but I already have a variable for that. it turns to "true" when I go to nav 2 after killing the morays, but I just don't know how to make the binding false... Just wondering also, I've seen you working with objectives and all that... Do you know of any in-depth...
  6. R

    Help with tutorial

    How about I unbing it from Nav 2 when I arrive at Nav 1? By the way, how can I unbind? Tell me that and I'll try to get it to work.
  7. R

    Help with tutorial

    No, it doesn't seem like your addresses are wrong, because the ones in your web are the sames as the WCUE file. But as Eder said, WCUE uses a modified EXE, so that must be the cause. Now, I've been trying to code the following mission: First I show up at Nav 1 with the Midway and a...
  8. R

    Need help withan ending

    *gulp* I... I... i've passed out.. :eek: Kidding.. As soon as I get some more knowledge I'll give it a try.
  9. R

    Need help withan ending

    Just wondering, what's the idea of that mission? Just would like to give it a try myself, if you don't mind..
  10. R

    Help with tutorial

    Can't find that thread, Iceblade
  11. R

    Help with tutorial

    Allright. Been trying to make my own SO exe file but found something strange: In the UE exe, the save folder is located in 0D 34E0, just as KillerWave tutorial says, but the same folder in my SO exe is located in 0D 3C38. Is this normal or is there anything strange here?
  12. R

    Help with tutorial

    Cool! just sent him an email. :p By the way, what exe editor do you recommend, for making my own version of the SO exe file? IGNORE THIS, just got Hex Edit.. :D
  13. R

    Help with tutorial

    Tutorial? Geez... u could make a book with all that! :D I'm checking it out now. Thanx 4 d link!
  14. R

    Help in UE mission

    That would be cool... Because, getting killed in such a way after all the mission.... :'( (Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed a lot the game! but that part was a bit too tough, I guess..)
  15. R

    Help with tutorial

    Allright! :D this is my code which seems to work perfectly!! yeeeaaahhh!!!! :p -------------------- // Mision 2 mission s1; #SetOutputPath("$wcso$\mission\"); #include wcp, consts, pilots; #strings targetid; #AddToSearchPath ("$wcso$\language"); var aliensalive = 5; function...
  16. R

    Help with tutorial

    yaaaay! That did it! The mission finally ends! :D :D :D Now the only problem I have is making the Midway disappear when I'm at Nav 2 (check my previous post here). Any tips? Thanks a lot for your help so far! ;)
  17. R

    Help with tutorial

    Right. Got it. ;) I must be tiring u guys, but got another question. I've almost finished the mission of Tutorial 2, but I have a problem when trying to make the Midway dissapear from the radar when I go to Nav 2. I try to use "SF_BindToActionSphere(1);" in the Midway's main function, but...
  18. R

    Help with tutorial

    Thanks! that did it. :D Now there's another problem: When I hit compile, it looks for the targetid.eng file in the same folder as the mission source file (the .pas). It doesn't search for it in the secret ops\language folder. Is this normal?
  19. R

    Help with tutorial

    Thanks! But I didn't miss the line.. the file with the problem is the one in the file, located in the tutorial section of this web. I'm just supposed to compile it, not make it myself. It has something to do with the target strings. (meaning, since it's not a normal mission I don't...
  20. R

    Help with tutorial

    Hello! Been trying to follow the tutorial (thanx to the author, by the way ;) ) but found trouble when compiling the tistr.pas file (in tutorial 2). When I hit compile, I got the following in the output window: [, 1]ERROR: expected "unit" but found "#" [, 1] raised in , line 0 (call...