Recent content by Void

  1. V

    Kilrathi Grand Fleet...could it have been stopped?

    Where exactly in the novel did it say there was only 4 squadrons? I didn't read that, they just wrote about the ones that were seen or impacted the storyline... other than that I don't recall reading anywhere in the novel anyone saying there was only 4 squads....
  2. V

    Kilrathi Grand Fleet...could it have been stopped?

    Oh and as far as I knew there was at least 1 squadron of black lances on each conspiracy controlled ship... also don't forget the secret base in axius, that had quite a few from the description if I remember correctly. At any rate I guess you could also say the same for the strakhas. But then...
  3. V

    Kilrathi Grand Fleet...could it have been stopped?

    But couldn't one argue that while sure, the cat's deathstick is massive and does pack a lot of weapons/armor/structural integrity, that the newer tech of the SRA super carrier might win the day? Ok the Kilrathi's strakahs are fairly rare throughout the Cat empire, the newer carrriers keep quite...