Recent content by patrix

  1. P

    Lines you'd use if you were a pilot

    When they taunt me ("you will not survive this fight!"/"Prepare to die, human!") I usually say (outloud) "yeah, you won't be the last to say that!" or variations of that
  2. P

    Wing Commander 3: Silly Stuff

    And if your perspective on my perspective was right, Terminator 3 would've been an endless sequence of explosions and absolutely nothing else ;) Anyways.. I don't really feel like arguing about this anymore, or it'll just get silly...
  3. P

    Wing Commander 3: Silly Stuff

    ... and I never disputed that :) I simply added the marketing perspective too, and mentioned that in my game I divided by 10 cause it made more sense *to me* :)
  4. P

    Wing Commander 3: Silly Stuff

    As for the shields/armor ratings in WC3 (I won't even talk about those in Armada), for my Fudge Commander RPG game using the Fudge system ( ) I simply decided to divide those values by 10. And to multiply wc1-2-privateer yaw/pitch/roll values by 10 (do you really believe...