Recent content by Lord Hunter

  1. L

    I saw Privateer 3 with my own 2 eyes

    Well it was a zip file of 260mb :) I couldn't download it to see what it was tho.
  2. L

    I saw Privateer 3 with my own 2 eyes

    Hey! I was rummaging though Hotline today and I found a server that had a file entitled "privateer 3". There is no such game, is there? What's going on?
  3. L

    The Movie

    Meson: Nope, you didnt read any of those other scripts??? He is not just another person who doesnt understand stuff, he's just another person who writes funny abridged scripts! They are not supposed to be serious! Its a joke! :) Most of those scripts are really good...
  4. L

    The Movie Now this....
  5. L

    A Second Wing Commander Movie?

    To me it didnt feel WC-ish, it didnt give me the feeling... The Feeling ;) And the fact that you take lots of people and stick them the names what appear in WC doesnt make it WC :) Hmmmm... actually I have seen worse plots... yeah.
  6. L

    A Second Wing Commander Movie?

    It wasnt all that bad... but it didnt FEEL Wing Commander-ish. It was more like some action-type thingy with crappy looking Kilrathis, familiar names... the plot wasnt all that good either.
  7. L

    A Second Wing Commander Movie?

    WC Movie??? A sequel... uh... the first movie was really crappy IMO... a big disappointment...