Recent content by G_Starkiller

  1. G

    F-36 Hornet - a Modo project.

    Ok, that's good to know. I haven't played WC2 for a LONG time, so I forgot about that scene. I do like to do my own thing when modeling. There was a chap who did a lovely hornet and dralthi here, and posted several renders from different angles. I'm using his renders for references. Got his...
  2. G

    F-36 Hornet - a Modo project.

    True, but warning stickers and such need to wait until I UVmap and texture it. And refueling jacks, what do they look like, and do WC fighters even use fuel, or do they have reactors. Remember, I'm doing this with very little reference material. Most of the pics I found show very little...
  3. G

    F-36 Hornet - a Modo project.

    I was playing Wing Commander for the first time in over a decade, yeah, I know I'm dating myself here. I figured it'd be cool to try to do high detail models of these ships, the way the movie SHOULD have done it. I started with the ship I flew in the first few missions, the F-36 Hornet...