; ; ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ; ³ ³ ; ³ Global Darkening Text ³ ; ³ ³ ; ³ English Version 1.0 ³ ; ³ ³ ; ³ 10/4/96 ³ ; ³ ³ ; ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ; ; STANDARD WORDS yes "YES" no "NO" low "LOW" med "MED" medium "MEDIUM" high "HIGH" buy "BUY" pay "PAY" purchase "PURCHASE" sell "SELL" null "NULL" none "NONE" empty "EMPTY" done "DONE" end "END" now "NOW" item "ITEM" accept "ACCEPT" decline "DECLINE" name "NAME" disabled "DISABLED" enabled "ENABLED" activate "ACTIVATE" deactivate "DEACTIVATE" accepted "ACCEPTED" rejected "REJECTED" withdrawn "WITHDRAWN" achieved "ACHIEVED" met "MET" failed "FAILED" ok "OK" malfunction "MALFUNCTION" error "ERROR" failure "FAILURE" damage "DAMAGE" destroyed "DESTROYED" killed "KILLED" cost "COST" credits "CREDITS" credit "CREDIT" creds "CREDS" cr "CR" hire "HIRE" value "VALUE" total "TOTAL" profit "PROFIT" reward "REWARD" percent "%" status "STATUS" system "SYSTEM" repair "REPAIR" bay "BAY" bays "BAYS" tons "TONS" capacity "CAPACITY" ship "SHIP" wingman "WINGMAN" cargoship "CARGO SHIP" escort "ESCORT SHIP" pirate "PIRATE" planet "PLANETARY CONTROL" load "LOAD" save "SAVE" options "OPTIONS" keys "KEYS" record "RECORD" mission "MISSION" armour "ARMOUR" comms "COMMS" control "FLIGHT CONTROL" afterburn "AFTERBURNERS" weapons "WEAPONS" shields "SHIELDS" targetting "TARGETING" target "TARGET" notarget "NO TARGET" nomissiles "NO MISSILES" nomines "NO MINES" nodecoys "NO DECOYS" nomissions "NO CURRENT MISSIONS" modules "MODULES" missiles "MISSILES" guns "GUNS" mines "MINES" decoys "DECOYS" software "SOFTWARE" hotkeys "HOTKEYS" navmap "NAVIGATION MAP" email "ELECTRONIC MAIL" diary "ELECTRONIC DIARY" optscreen "OPTION SCREEN" screen "SCREEN" pause "PAUSE" planets "PLANETS" moons "MOONS" navs "NAV POINT" station "STATION" path "PATH" route "ROUTE" destination "DESTINATION" position "POSITION" range "RANGE" overheating "OVER HEATING" industrial "INDUSTRIAL" medical "MEDICAL" food "FOOD" hardware "HARDWARE" luxuries "LUXURIES" ores "ORES" blackmarket "BLACK MARKET" maxspeed "MAX SPEED" agility "AGILITY" mounts "MOUNTS" statusdiary "STATUS DIARY" entry "ENTRY" cargo "CARGO" equipment "EQUIPMENT" killrating "RATING" policerating "NUMBER OF KILLS" rating "RATING" inventory "INVENTORY" shipinvent "SHIP INVENTORY" cargoinvent "CARGO INVENTORY" sysstatus "SYSTEM STATUS" gameoptions "GAME OPTIONS" youhavenoship "YOU HAVE NO SHIP" commodity "COMMODITY" quantity "QUANTITY" pricepaid "PRICE PAID" quote "QUOTE" background "BACKGROUND" levs_a_stiff "LEV IS DEAD" ; CLANS player "Player" police "Police" kindred "Kindred" cis "C.I.S." pirate1 "Pirate 1" pirate2 "Pirate 2" pirate3 "Pirate 3" pirate4 "Pirate 4" neutral "Neutral" ; Takeoff Stuff to_init "Ship Initialising" to_0 "POWER ON - INITIALISING MAIN AND SUB SYSTEMS" to_1 "ENGINES PRE-FLIGHT CHECK" to_2 "CONTROLS PRE-FLIGHT CHECK" to_3 "APPLICATION FOR LIFT OFF SLOT TRANSMITTED" to_4 "PROCESSING LOCAL CUSTOMS PROTOCOLS" to_5 "SWITCHING TO OFF-PLANET FREQUENCY" to_6 "PRESSURISATION COMPLETE" to_7 "ACCELERATION COMPENSATORS IN" to_8 "LIFT OFF SLOT ALLOCATED" to_9 "RELEASING UMBILICAL" to_10 "APPROACHING THRESHOLD" to_11 "LIFT OFF INITIATED" ; CAMERA VIEWS cam_hud "HUD" cam_left "Left View" cam_right "Right View" cam_back "Back View" cam_shipview "Ship View" cam_targtrack "Target Track" cam_targview "Target View" cam_chase "Chase Cam" cam_fixed "Fixed Cam" cam_cine "Cinematic" cam_observer "Observer View" ; HUD Stuff hud_reg "ID: " hud_spd "SPD: " hud_rng "RNG: " hud_long "Extreme" hud_velocity "Velocity" hud_afterburners "Afterburners" ; SHIP NAMES - player ships ship_kn01 "Drakkar" ship_kn02 "Danrik" ship_ml01 "Duress" ship_ml02 "Heretic" ship_ml03 "Faldari" ship_ml3a "Faldari Mk II" ship_ml06 "Freij" ship_ml6a "Freij Mk II" ship_pl01 "Straith" ship_pl02 "Velacia" ship_pl03 "Skecis" ship_pl3a "Skecis Mk II" ship_pl04 "Kalrechi" ship_pr01 "Aurora" ship_pr02 "Shaman" ship_pr03 "Karnenan" ship_pr04 "Jendevi" ship_pr05 "Icarus" ; cargo ships ship_cr01 "Gea Transit" ship_cr1a "Gea Mk II" ship_cr02 "Ogan" ship_cr03 "Ilia" ship_cr3a "Ilia Mk II" ship_cr04 "Monolith" ; Kindred ship_kn1b "Kindred Vendetta" ship_pl4b "Kindred Blade" ; Jincilla Pirates ship_skul "Jincilla Skull" ship_ml05 "Jincilla Veldor" ship_prha "Jincilla Tacon" ship_sh1a "Jincilla Shuttle" ship_pr6a "Jincilla Cruiser" ; Kiowan Pirates ship_plm2 "Kiowan Vector" ship_mla5 "Kiowan Leighat" ship_prhb "Kiowan Krell" ship_sh1b "Kiowan Shuttle" ship_cr2a "Kiowan Cruiser" ; Chirichan Pirates ship_plm3 "Chirichan Demon" ship_ml04 "Chirichan Heron" ship_pr2a "Chirichan Testmos" ship_sh2a "Chirichan Shuttle" ship_cr2b "Chirichan Cruiser" ; Papagod Pirates ship_plm4 "Papogod Tembler" ship_pr2b "Papogod Ecantona" ship_ml4b "Papogod Ashearer" ship_sh2b "Papogod Shuttle" ship_pr06 "Papogod Cruiser" ; Military ship_ml1b "Military Light" ship_ml2b "Military Medium" ship_ml3b "Military Heavy" ship_ml4x "Military Heavy" ship_ml4d "Military Destroyer" ship_mcos "Military Carrier" ship_mcph "Military Prototype" ship_mdre "Military Dreadnaught" ship_cctb "Military Transport" ; Missions Specific ship_lasertower "Lasertower" ship_satelite "Satellite" ship_kronos "Kronos' Ship" ship_privateer "Unknown Ship" ship_radarstation "Radar Station" ship_spacelab1 "Space Lab 1" ship_spacelab2 "Space Lab 2" ship_storagedepot "Storage Depot" ship_escapepod "Escape Pod" ship_spaceman "SpaceDude?" ship_miningbase "Mining Base" ship_prisonship "Prison Ship" ship_transport "Transport" ; EQUIPMENT NAMES ; Modules mod_cool1 "Coolant Unit MkI" mod_cool2 "Coolant Unit MkII" mod_cool3 "Coolant Unit MkIII" mod_cool4 "Coolant Unit MkIV" mod_aru1 "Auto Repair Unit" mod_aru2 "Auto Repair Unit MkII" mod_burner1 "Afterburner Enhancer MkI" mod_burner2 "Afterburner Enhancer MkII" mod_burner3 "Afterburner Enhancer MkIII" mod_shield1 "Shield Generator Enhancer MkI" mod_shield2 "Shield Generator Enhancer MkII" mod_shield3 "Shield Generator Enhancer MkIII" mod_bse1 "BSE" mod_bse2 "BSE Mk II" mod_filter "Signal Filter" mod_warp "Warp Shield" mod_nuke "Nuke'em" mod_hiex "Hi-ex Mines" mod_prox "Proximity Mines" mod_viral "Viral Mines" mod_decoy1 "Decoys MkI" mod_decoy2 "Decoys MkII" ; Missiles miss_snipe "Snipe Missile" miss_brute1 "Brute Missile" miss_brute2 "Brute Missile MkII" miss_python "Python Missile" miss_disrupt "Disrupter Missile" miss_banshee "Banshee Missile" miss_prox "Proximity Missile" miss_stingray "Stingray Torpedo" miss_hell "Hellraiser Torpedo" ; Lasers laser_stream1 "Stream Laser" laser_stream2 "Stream Laser MkII" laser_volt "Volt Laser" laser_flux1 "Flux Beam" laser_flux2 "Flux Beam MkII" laser_mass "Mass Ion Cannon" laser_kraven "Kraven MkIV Laser" laser_cargot "Turret Mk I" laser_capt "Turret Mk II" ; KILL RATINGS Green "Green" Novice "Novice" Apprentice "Apprentice" Average "Average" Above Average "Above Average" Reputable "Reputable" Connoisseur "Connoisseur" Righteous "Righteous" Specialist "Specialist" Ice Man "Ice Man" Invincible "Privateer" ;Fruitless "Fruitless" ;Humble "Humble" ;Average "Average" ;Connoisseur "Connoisseur" ;Reputable "Reputable" ;Righteous "Righteous" ;Noble "Noble" ;Specialist "Specialist" ;Supreme "Supreme" ; POLICE RATINGS ;Pure "Pure" ;Law Breaker "Law Breaker" ;Dishonest "Dishonest" ;Crafty "Crafty" ;Deceitful "Deceitful" ;Crooked "Crooked" ;Corrupt "Corrupt" ; HOTKEYS next "NEXT" previous "PREVIOUS" thrustbrake "THRUST / BRAKE" ;targeting "TARGETING" ;weapons "WEAPONS" views "VIEWS" special_features "SPECIAL FEATURES" communications "COMMUNICATIONS" windows "WINDOWS" external_screens "EXTERNAL SCREENS" x "X" matchsp "MATCH SPEED OF TARGET" tab "TAB" afterburner "AFTERBURNER (HOLD)" plus "+" increase_spd "INCREASE SPD" minus "-" decrease_spd "DECREASE SPD" lsquare "[" setzero "SET SPEED TO ZERO" rsquare "]" setmax "SET SPEED TO MAX" j "J" jump "JUMP" q "Q" targetcross "TARGET CLOSEST OBJECT TO CROSS HAIR" a "A" nexttarget "SELECT NEXT TARGET" z "Z" prevtarget "SELECT PREVIOUS TARGET" w "W" nearesthostile "SELECT NEAREST HOSTILE TARGET" s "S" nearestfriendly "SELECT NEAREST FRIENDLY TARGET" e "E" radarr "TOGGLE RADAR RANGE" altr "ALT R" radart "TOGGLE RADAR TYPE" altt "ALT T" targetoff "TARGETING OFF" shift19 "SHIFT 1-9" shift19t "STORE CURRENT TARGET TO THAT NUMBER (IF COMMS CLOSED)" 19 "1-9" 19t "RESTORE SAVED TARGET (IF COMMS CLOSED)" spacebar "SPACEBAR" fireguns "FIRE GUNS" return "RETURN" firemissiles "FIRE MISSILE" backspace "BACKSPACE" firemines "DROP MINES / DECOYS" f "F" fullguns "TOGGLE FULL GUNS / NO GUNS" h "H" winselect "SELECT WEAPON IN CURRENT WINDOW" n "N" wintoggle "TOGGLE SELECTED WEAPON ON / OFF" f1 "F1" cam_front "Front View" f2 "F2" ;cam_left "Left View" f3 "F3" ;cam_right "Right View" f4 "F4" ;cam_back "Back View" f5 "F5" ;cam_shipview "Ship View" f6 "F6" ;cam_targtrack "Target Track" f7 "F7" ;cam_targview "Target View" f8 "F8" ;cam_chase "Chase Cam" f9 "F9" ;cam_fixed "Fixed Cam" f10 "F10" ;cam_cine "Cinematic" f11 "F11" ;cam_observer "Observer View" ;lsquare "[" zoomin "ZOOM IN" ;rsquare "]" zoomout "ZOOM OUT" ;r "R" ;ac_rts "ACTIVATE RTS SYSTEM" altb "ALT B" ac_bse "ACTIVATE BSE SYSTEM" o "O" ac_dist "DISTRESS RECEIVER ON / OFF" altw "ALT W" ac_warp "ACTIVATE WARP SHIELD" alts "ALT S" ac_nukem "DROP NUKE 'EM" t "T" pickupp "PICKUP PACKAGE" y "Y" dropp "DROP PACKAGE" ;19 "1-9" 19c "CHOOSE COMMS SIGNAL / QUESTION / RESPONSE" c "C" w_com "COMMUNICATIONS" d "D" w_dam "DAMAGE" m "M" w_mis "MISSILES" g "G" w_gun "GUNS" b "B" w_min "MINES AND DECOYS" alto "ALT O" gameopt "GAME OPTIONS" altn "ALT N" ;navmap "NAVIGATION MAP" ;f "F" navsearch "NAVMAP SEARCH" altd "ALT D" ;diary "DIARY" alth "ALT H" ;hotkeys "HOTKEYS" altx "ALT X" exitdos "EXIT TO DOS" exit "EXIT" ; COMMODITIES plasteen "Plasteen" brikcrete "Brikcrete" titan alloys "Titan Alloys" biopolys "Biopolys" lumber "Lumber" cybernetic_limbs "Cybernetic Limbs" medi_kit "Medi Kit" blood "Blood" synthi_skin "Synthi Skin" optic_nerves "Optic Nerves" grain "Grain" fertilite "Fertilite" fresh_water "Fresh Water" livestock "Livestock" synthi_meat "Synthi Meat" solar_generators "Solar Generators" enviro_suits "Enviro Suits" power_loaders "Power Loaders" atomic_chisel "Atomic Chisel" comms_unit "Comms Unit" bex_beer "Bex Beer" cerulean_gemstones "Cerulean Gemstones" fluffy_rodents "Fluffy Rodents" sunflowers "Sunflowers" warp_steroids "Warp Steroids" rhodium "Rhodium" platinum "Platinum" iridium "Iridium" cesium "Cesium" lythia "Lythia" nerve_toxins "Nerve Toxins" human_organs "Human Organs" firearms "Firearms" brain_implants "Brain Implants" pleasure_borgs "Pleasure Borgs" ; PLANET NAMES Hermes "Hermes" Crius "Crius" Anhur "Anhur" Hades "Hades" Hephaestus "Hephaestus" Bex "Bex" Janus "Janus IV" Karacticus "Karatikus" Moon00 "Terrel" Moon01 "Serca" Moon02 "Petra" Moon03 "Destinas" Moon04 "Corinthias" Moon05 "Desolia" Moon06 "Ostinia" Moon07 "Athos" Moon08 "Massanas" Moon09 "Leviatha" NM_Title "Navigation Map" NM_RouteLength "Route Length" ; Navmap's list of Fixture Names NM_Kappa "Kappa Labs" NM_SS0 "SS:Curium" NM_SS1 "SS:Tersa" NM_CS0 "CS:Reva" NM_CS1 "CS:Dexros" NM_CS2 "CS:Lironas" NM_CS3 "CS:Pletirat" NM_ES0 "ES:Corsas" NM_ES1 "ES:Stanton" NM_ES2 "ES:Sarama" NM_ES3 "ES:Ferix" NM_RS0 "RS:Felos" NM_RS1 "RS:Kaldon" NM_RS2 "RS:Craxath" NM_RS3 "RS:Bestinium" NM_PB0 "Kastagan" NM_PB1 "Draknor" NM_Jump1a "System Jump 1a" NM_Jump1b "System Jump 1b" NM_Jump2a "System Jump 2a" NM_Jump2b "System Jump 2b" NM_Jump3a "System Jump 3a" NM_Jump3b "System Jump 3b" NM_Jump4a "System Jump 4a" NM_Jump4b "System Jump 4b" NM_Jump5a "System Jump 5a" NM_Jump5b "System Jump 5b" NM_Jump6a "System Jump 6a" NM_Jump6b "System Jump 6b" NM_AST "Asteroid" NM_ALIEN "Aliens?" ; OPTIONS SCREEN (Space.) OS_Title "Options Screen" OS_Options "Options" OS_JoyCal "Calibrate Joystick" OS_ThrCal "Calibrate Throttle" OS_Joy_Det "Joystick detected." OS_Joy_NDet "Joystick not detected." OS_Joy_En "Joystick enabled." OS_Joy_Dis "Joystick disabled." OS_Thr_Det "Throttle detected." OS_Thr_NDet "Throttle not detected." OS_Thr_En "Throttle enabled." OS_Thr_Dis "Throttle disabled." OS_JoyCalib "Joystick Calibration" OS_NoJoy "Check your joystick is plugged then retry calibration." OS_XtoOpt "Press 'x' to return to the option screen" OS_MovJoyAll "Move the Joystick to all extremes until it centres when released." OS_JoyDot "The grey dot shows where the joystick is." OS_JoyBox "The yellow box is the centre zone for the joystick." OS_Stab "This will stabalize out as a box in the centre as the calibration gets more accurate." OS_CzSize "Use '+' and '-' to adjust the centre zone size." OS_JoyDeadSize "Dead Zone size" OS_ThrCalib "Throttle Calibration" OS_NoThr "Check your throttle is plugged then retry calibration" OS_MovThrAll "Move the Throttle to all extremes." OS_ThrDot "The grey dot shows where the throttle is." OS_ThrBox "The yellow box is the calibration quality for the throttle." OS_savegame "SAVE GAME" OS_loadgame "LOAD GAME" OS_vidtrans "VIDEO TRANSITIONS" OS_animtrans "ANIMATED TRANSITIONS" OS_globsnd "GLOBAL SOUND" OS_planetmus "ON PLANET MUSIC" OS_spacemus "IN SPACE MUSIC" OS_spacesfx "SPACE SOUND EFFECTS" OS_boothsfx "BOOTH / PAD SOUND EFFECTS" OS_compspeech "COMPUTER SPEECH" OS_engine "ENGINE NOISE" OS_detail "HIGH DETAIL LEVEL" OS_joystick "JOYSTICK FLIGHT CONTROL" OS_joythrottle "JOYSTICK / THROTTLE FLIGHT CONTROL" OS_mouse "MOUSE FLIGHT CONTROL" OS_orientation "FLIGHT MODEL ORIENTATION" ; SPACE OBJECTS Kappa_Labs "Kappa Labs" Moon "Moon" Repair_Dock "Repair Dock" Cargo_Depot "Cargo Depot" Hardware_Dep "Hardware Dep" Super_Station "Super Station" Nav_Point "Nav Point" System_Jump "System Jump" Explosion "Explosion" Debris "Debris" Asteroid "Asteroid" Trigger "Trigger" Camera "Camera" ; LOCATIONS loc_customs "Customs" loc_sinners "Sinners Inn" loc_hospital "Hospital" loc_shern "Shernikov Medical Supplies" loc_surgeons "Surgeons Blunder Bar" loc_haltaf "Taffin Reclamation" loc_shadow "Shadow Play Bar" loc_interplan "Interplanetary Aid" loc_lordvonx "Lord Vonx's Apartment" loc_prison "Prison Pits" loc_cis "CIS Offices" loc_galactic "Galactic Gourmet Hotel" loc_rampant "Rampant Robot Bar" loc_blessed "Blessed Brew Bar" loc_museum "Museum of Hom" loc_hugo "Hugo's Apartment" loc_noname "No Name Inn" loc_jan "Jan Mittor's House" loc_temesa "Temesa Ames Apartment" ; GENERAL PAD seldest "SELECT A DESTINATION" pressexit "PRESS EXIT TO TRAVEL OR" selanother "SELECT ANOTHER DESTINATION" hirefee "HIRE FEE PER TRIP (CR):" baysleft "BAYS REMAINING:" capleft "CAPACITY REMAINING (TONS):" termhire "TERMINATE SHIP HIRE AND SELL STOCK ?" nocargoship "NO CARGO SHIP HIRED" youarehere "You Are Here" ;nextpage "NEXT PAGE" nextpage "NEXT DIARY ENTRY" ; PAD USER MESSAGES pad_construct "This element of the Darkening is under construction." pad_canttakeoff "Sorry. You first need to buy a ship before you can take off." pad_nocargo "Your cargo ship has no cargo onboard. Do you still want to hire it?" pad_affordcargo "You cannot afford to hire your cargo ship. Do you want to return to Customs?" ; PILOT NAMES pilot_0 "Jaren Xi" pilot_1 "Hengist Magnusson" pilot_2 "Lerissa du Voille" pilot_3 "Leon J. Spudley" pilot_4 "Pinet el-Susse" pilot_5 "Eryl Barsteadly" pilot_6 "Vicksen Aureola " pilot_7 "Ignatius Furorum" pilot_8 "Orpheus" pilot_9 "Jak Perdies" pilot_10 "Cinquante Delores" pilot_11 "Monk Skungous" pilot_12 "Lazenby Simpson" pilot_13 "Alopecia Cook" pilot_14 "Liston Sativa" pilot_15 "Iuste Suttilis" pilot_16 "Paetas Sturge" pilot_17 "Welppe Iuvenil" pilot_18 "Clevis 'Guts' Nugget" pilot_19 "Phungid Mykofyle" pilot_20 "Brad Califaryan" pilot_21 "Tallboy Rickardson" pilot_22 "Norus Heggardly" ;pilot_23 "The Murray-Thew Latchford Combo" pilot_23 "Wendy Wellington" pilot_24 "Delphinius" pilot_25 "Bruiser McDoozer" spstation "Space Station Control" no_lasers "No Lasers" quit "Are you sure you want to Quit (Y/N)" comm_with "Communicate With" no_comms "No Comms Signals" no_entry "No Entry Available" tobusy "You are currently too busy to reliably accept any more missions. Try again when you have completed some of your current assignments." ;comms text whats_your_status "What's your status" form_on_my_wing "Form on my wing" take_out_my_target "Take out my target" lets_get_going "Let's get going" hold_your_position "Hold your position" taunt_1 "Make out your will!" taunt_2 "Straight out of flying school huh?" taunt_3 "Stay still, it won't hurt!" taunt_4 "Bug out! I won't tell anyone!" taunt_5 "Ahh! The condemed man!" taunt_6 "I can smell you from here!" taunt_7 "Don't worry, I'll make it quick!" taunt_8 "Ashes-to-ashes, dust-to-dust!" taunt_9 "I'm gonna BBQ your ass!" taunt_10 "You're History!" taunt_11 "Come on tough guy!" taunt_12 "Hey! This is past your bedtime!" taunt_13 "Oh you're so tough!" taunt_14 "Like a virgin on prom night!" taunt_15 "Open Wide!" taunt_16 "Any last requets?" permission_to_land "Permission To Land" permission_to_dock "Permission To Dock" cargopilot "Cargo Pilot" type "TYPE: " jumps "jumps" saving "SAVING" data "DATA" bounty "BOUNTY" payment "PAYMENT" new "NEW" game_over "GAME OVER" game_saved "GAME SAVED" game_notsaved "GAME NOT SAVED" num_entries "Number of entries: " ; Credits Text cred_0 "Privateer 2: The Darkening" cred_1 "Game Development Team" cred_2 "3D Artist & Game Object Designer" cred_3 "Chris Battson" cred_4 "3D Artist & Software / Hardware Engineer" cred_5 "Dan 'Starsky' Blackstone" cred_6 "Interactive Graphic Designer" cred_7 "Paul Chapman 'Stitch'" cred_8 "3D Artist & Game Object Designer" cred_9 "Michael P. Cottam" cred_10 "Associate Game Designer" cred_11 "Lawrence Doyle" cred_12 "3D Artist & Game Cbject Designer" cred_13 "Nick 'Mushroom Head' Elms" cred_14 "3D Artist / Animator" cred_15 "Mark Goldsworthy" cred_16 "Game Programmer" cred_17 "Paul 'Yosser' Hughes" cred_18 "3D Programmer" cred_19 "Brian 'Aqham' Marshall" cred_20 "Art Director" cred_21 "Adam 'Headfirst' Medhurst" cred_22 "Artist / Designer" cred_23 "Phillip Meller 'El Loco'" cred_24 "3D Artist & Game Object Designer" cred_25 "John Miles" cred_26 "Game Programmer" cred_27 "Anthony Stockton" cred_28 "Mission Design" cred_29 "Audio Producer" cred_30 "Chris Nichols" cred_31 "Audio Designer" cred_32 "Nick Laviers" cred_33 "In-game & Title Music" cred_34 "James Hannigan" cred_35 "Audio Dialogue" cred_36 "Bill Lusty" cred_37 "Sound Effects & Interactive Audio" cred_38 "Nick Laviers" cred_39 "Chris Nicholls" cred_40 "James Hannigan" cred_41 "Adele Kellett" cred_42 "Bill Lusty" cred_43 "Ashley Richardson" ; Inserted here so as not to mess up the pad OS_twobuttonstick "TWO BUTTON JOYSTICK" OS_thrustmaster "THRUSTMASTER JOYSTICK" OS_flightstick "CH FLIGHTSTICK PRO JOYSTICK" OS_invulnerability "INVULNERABILITY"