WC Zone Open For Match Play Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The Subspace mod WC Zone is open and ready for custom matches as I type this. A few people are playing off and on to get reacquainted to the game, but you'll generally want to arrange matches or practices through #Wingnut before you drop into the Zone. Subspace is a top down 2D shooter that can be a lot of fun. You can check out some shots of us playing after the Birthday Party here. If you'd like to give the game a try, stop by #Wingnut or check out the instructions at Crius here. You'll can use the mod with the following four files. Download and install Continuum. Unzip the Shipset in \graphics\, Replacement Pack in \graphics\ and Sounds in \sounds\ under your Continuum directory. Then follow these instructions.

After installing, in the zones menu, click "add custom."
You can call the Zone whatever you want, I suggest "Wing Commander Zone." In the IP address field type: & in the port field type: 5800
Click ok and return to the main screen. Make a Profile for yourself.
Wing Commander Zone (or whatever you named it) should appear at the bottom of the zone list. Select it and click play to...well...play!
You may or may not find other players if you stop in on your own without arranging a game. Once things get going we hope to eventually organize some times for everyone to meet and play. If you'd like to meet other people or help us schedule a time, check out the Crius thread here.

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