Happy New Year! Kilrathi Saga Calendar Scanned
Happy Wednesday, January 1st! How the heck did we know the date so accurately?! Well, it turns out that the days in 2025 match up to those in 1997 and 2673... which means that you can reuse the calendar included with The Kilrathi Saga this year! The Kilrathi Saga calendar is a wonderful manual produced by Origin as a 'feelie' for the game. It shows off concept art from across the trilogy and even includes lore dates from all over the timeline. A fair amount of Wing Commander continuity was introduced by this document, from the identity of the Rigakh cruiser to Colonel Blair's birthday! You can find January below and we've scanned the whole thing and you can download the entire calendar here (220 megabyte archival quality PDF. Compressed 9 meg PDF also available). Better enjoy now--you won't be able to do this again until 2031!
Why 2673? For one thing, it does correctly match up to 1997 (and 2025) so the team at Origin's creative services department did do their research. It's also when Wing Commander IV takes place! Chris Reid always knew it but it's something that was only truly confirmed by a secret e-mail hidden at Origin's Wing Commander IV PlayStation website around the same time. We've been hosting 'secret.htm' on the WC:CIC server ever since to keep the memory of this cool Easter egg alive!
Bonus: a photo of TheGouldFish's deluxe spiral bound version produced for the Asia-Pacific region.
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