Wing Commander Rebellion - Prologue


I thought I'd get the ball rolling again with my first piece of Fanfiction. This is the background story to a set of missions I'm currently working on.




I don't know when it started exactly, probably because there was no single person or incident responsible. Still, looking back, I suppose it could be narrowed down to a few instances that in hindsight could have easily been avoided or stopped; unfortunately, hindsight only happens after the fact.
One of those instances that comes to my mind, which again in hindsight was probably the most important, was in the year 2681. I remember that year well for many different reasons. It was the year I graduated the Academy, the year I first set foot on the Midway, the year that I flew my first real mission and the year that I first encountered the Nephilim.
I remember that particular encounter and the resulting confrontation well; my baptism by fire, so to speak. But still, compared to the years that followed, I would have been glad to be doing something as simple as killing bugs again. It has often crossed my mind if they would ever come back and to be perfectly honest with you, I wished on more than one occasion that they had. It would have made things simpler. However, they didn't and as a result I find myself in this unenviable position.
As I said, 2681 was the year that things first came out into the open. The cracks were already there if you looked hard enough, but nobody did, at least not until it was too late. I recall somebody telling me once that if history has taught us one thing, it is that we never truly learn from our mistakes. This was one of those mistakes...

Lieutenant General Maxwell Garret
Commander 29th Tactical Fighter Group, TCS Missouri CVX-32
Excerpt from personnel log, 2714.193

0137 CST

The Pelican Class transport Morning Star led a convoy of seven similar vessels at a breakneck speed towards the Jericho System Jump Point still over eight hundred thousand kilometres away.
On the bridge of the usually easygoing vessel, the silence was palpable as members of the crew nervously carried out their duties. This silence had been going on for nearly three hours; even the usual bridge chatter had stopped as everybody went tensely about their business. The silence seemed to reach its limit as a young Lieutenant sitting at the sensor station in the sunken crewpit finally broke it.
"Contact bearing one-eight-zero, dead astern."
"Size and range Mr. Anderson?" the forcefully calm voice of the ships commanding officer, Captain Devon Tyler asked as he turned his chair to face the station.
"Sixteen fighter class ships, one capital class vessel..." the officer forced his voice to remain as calm as the captains though failed. "...Distance one hundred and thirty thousand kilometres."
Tyler rubbed his hand over his stubble covered chin. "Time to intercept?"
"At their present speed of two-forty, they will be within weapons range in approximately thirty two minutes captain."
"How long to the Jump Point?"
The navigator looked over his shoulder. "One hour fourteen minutes at our current speed."
Tyler suppressed an agitated sigh as he thumbed the ship intercom on the armrest. "Engineering, Chief I need more speed."
There was a moments static before a response came. "That's all I can give you, the reactors are already at one hundred and thirty percent..."
"Chief in half an hour a world of hurt is going to reach us, push the reactors to one fifty." Tyler nearly shouted, all attempts at calm forgotten.
"...Aye sir." The Chief Engineer replied unhappily.
All around them, the steady hum of the already overtaxed engines began to increase in pitch.
"Sir we've increased to two hundred per second."
Tyler acknowledged the helmsman. "Comm, signal the rest of the convoy to increase speed anyway they can."
They had gained a little more time on the pursuing ships, however he knew that it was hopeless, even if they could outrun the capital ship, which was improbable at best, the fighters themselves could catch them in a matter of minutes by simply activating their afterburners. Tyler kept these thoughts to himself as he gripped the armrests on his chair. The fact that the fighters were keeping pace with the capital ship only prolonged the inevitable.
The silence resumed for a time only punctuated by the Lieutenant who kept up a running commentary of the pursuing ships distance.
Tyler did not bother to shut him up, he figured that it would keep the young man from thinking too hard about what those numbers he kept reciting actually meant.
"Contacts at twenty thousand kilometres, time to weapons range is one minute thirty seconds...Captain the fighters are pulling ahead."
Tyler cursed colourfully. "Power up the weapons...comm, instruct the other ships to close up into a defensive position."
It was a useless gesture, less than thirty seconds later a static filled comm signal came from the Beckett at the rear of the convoy. ""
The static became a squeal as Tyler looked out of the port side viewport and saw the transport explode, the bright flash momentarily blinding him.
He barely recovered his vision when he was pitched forward, out of his chair. "Report..."
"Torpedo hit to the starboard engine...hull breached..."
A second torpedo struck sending lancing fire through what was left of the starboard engine and throwing everybody around as the Morning Star suddenly listed over.
Outside the viewport nobody saw as the Merchant Sun carrying a cargo of flammable materials erupted into a fireball, its burnt hulk dropping lifelessly away from the other ships. A few seconds later the Strandhill and Gandolfini followed.
The Charles F. Kane, its bridge superstructure burning brightly, exploded next. Tyler grinned viciously as an unlucky pilot in one of the attacking bombers moved to close and was caught in the blast.
The grin was wiped off his face almost as quickly as another torpedo hit, collapsing a bulkhead from the ceiling that swung down, striking his left shoulder and breaking his collarbone.
Painfully Tyler managed to right himself and looking down to the crewpit through the smoke filled bridge he saw the lifeless body of Lieutenant Anderson; his face full of still bleeding lacerations and his console flaming brightly.
Wrenching his eyes from the dead man, he looked out of the viewport. The Morning Star was dead in space, it inertia had turned it to face the opposite direction and approaching the dying transport was its end. Tyler stared silently ahead as the Plunkett Class Cruiser closed.

'For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky'.

Wing Commander - Secret Ops Missions

[This message has been edited by Primarch (edited March 29, 2000).]
Very Good Primarch

"I'm putting you back in the cockpit Colonel, where you will be reunited with an old friend, the thrill of battle!"
-Tolwyn to Blair WC IV
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You should really try them. They really kick ass!
Great job Prim.

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
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Really now??? Don't think i'm not on to you Deadman..

I've seen smarter things..

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You got me Gunner. Now if only you could tell me what I'm up to so I can alicute.

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
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Lets see...
<LI>&gt;I don’t know when it started exactly, probably because there was no single incident or person that can be blamed.&lt; - First sentence...Didn't have to look far.
Actually I find most starts are a little rough. The sentence is a bit awkward, how about something to the effect of "probably because no single person or incident was responsible?" I guess what I'm getting at is that a person can be blamed, but not so with an incident.
<LI>&gt;hindsight only happens after the fact.&lt; - Good point.
<LI>&gt;my baptism of fire,&lt; - I believe it's baptism by fire.
<LI>&gt;It has often crossed my mind if they would ever come back and to be perfectly honest with you I wished on more than one occasion that they had.&lt; - Could use some punctuation after you.
<LI>&gt;it was to late.&lt; - Too late.
<LI>&gt;if history has taught us one thing, it is that we never truly learn from our mistakes. &lt; - *nod* And that history repeats itself.
<LI>&gt;“…Distance one hundred and thirty thousand kilometres.” + “At their present speed of two-forty, they will be within weapons range in sixteen minutes captain.”&lt; - Um, so the convoy is chugging along at a mere 105kps?
<LI>&gt;“How long to the Jump Point?”&lt; + &gt;“One hour fourteen minutes at our current speed.”&lt; - 800,000km in 4440secs that's 180kps - much more realistic.
<LI>&gt;at one hundred and thirty percent…&lt; + &gt;push the reactors to one-fifty.&lt; - I'll leave that one be, since the speed increase would be non-linear anyway.

<LI>&gt;“Sir we’ve increased to two hundred and ten kilometres per second.”&lt; + &gt;They had gained maybe an extra twenty minutes&lt; - Actually that gives them 72mins until the enemy closes the 130,000km gap and reduces jump point ETA to 64mins...which is enough for them to get away! LOL! ROFL even!
<LI>&gt;the fighters themselves could catch them in a matter of minutes by simply activating their afterburners.&lt; - And that's where my calculations collapse. Well it was fun while it lasted.

<LI>&gt;thinking to hard&lt; - Too hard. It's like my problem with its.

<LI>&gt;Contacts at twenty thousand kilometres, time to intercept is one minute thirty seconds…&lt; - That makes the enemy faster by about 222kps.
<LI>&gt;Captain the fighters are pulling ahead.”&lt; - Aw, nuts.

<LI>&gt;Power up the weapons grid…&lt; - Mmmm. Grid.
<LI>“Torpedo hit to the starboard engine…” - Hmm. Nope, never mind.

<LI>&gt;into a ball molten metal and fire,&lt; - Maybe "a fireball of molten metal?"
<LI>&gt;Tyler grinned viscously&lt; - Viciously.
<LI>&gt;approaching the dying transport was its end.&lt; - Heh.

It's because of people like me you should check your math.
Actually it was fine. Nice build up of suspense, though I was waiting to see one of the transports' reactors go up in flames from the strain - only to fall behind and be picked off by the attacking vultures.

"The lack of knowledge is far more enlightening than its blind acceptance."
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Thanks for taking the time...

1. Actually, that entire log entry was written part way through Chapter 1


3. Probably

4. I might as well get this one out of the way...I seem to have a serious blind spot for punctuation, always have.

5. To, Too...always get them mixed up.


7. I've just spent the better part of half an hour trying to figure this out, and I'm completely stumped
. Maths was never my strong point (an understatement!!). I know that the transports were going at max speed (180kps), so how I worked it out that they were only going 105kps is beyond me...

8. At least I got that one right


10. Yet another maths mistake...hmmm, should have spent more time paying attention to the teacher and less time staring at Lorna

11. A shallow victory on my part...

12. To and Too...grrrr...

13. I give up

14. Yet another shallow victory...

15. Too(?) much Babylon 5, sorry

16. What?

17. Maybe.

18. Right spelling, wrong mistake.


I hate maths, but I will try to be more careful in the future...(I'm an artist, not a mathematician
I didn't think about one of the transports falling behind, maybe next time

'Do what thou wilt. So mete it be'.

Wing Commander - Secret Ops Missions
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7. Well I worked it out from the 130,000km, and 16mins (960secs) travel at 240kps. See, in 16mins the enemy will have travelled 230,400km. To keep your 130,000km spacing, the convoy must have covered an additional 100,400km in those same 16mins. Thus the speed of 100,400/960 = 105kps. Simple.

10. Something tells me time spent staring at Lorna was better spent.

13. It's not your fault. Origin was insane to make speeds in kps. In today's fighter combat, split second reactions are required. The enemy is 2km ahead...nope...2km behind. Can you imagine what the game would be like if they actually used the right units?
15. No, no. You misunderstood. Matrix likes grids.

16. I said never mind.
I was actually wondering if the Pelican transport has starboard engines.

An artist you certainly are. I am too...sort off, but maths never really put me off.
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High time to post my comments. I don't think I'll bother with the nitpicks - Matrix does that so well

It's an interesting way to start, with a paragraph that sums the whole thing up and tells the reader what to expect. And the combat scene is quite nice, except for those maths problems (not that I would have noticed
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