Rear Admiral
This is about bringing the Secret Missions 2 campaign from Super Wing Commander and 3DO, known as Secret Missions 1.5, to the PC.
For a start, I'll just make the files available here that have been converted 1:1 from the 3DO version. That's possible due to the awesome work of @UnnamedCharacter and many others who paved the way.
The zip file contains a readme file with all necessary information and instructions. For your convenience, I also added it here.
Edit: The readme mentions that it has been tested on wcdx. It has been. But I wasn't able to get it running with the latest 1.2-beta3. It works perfectly with wcdx
So, by downloading and installing this zip file to your Wing Commander I, Secret Missions 2 installation, you should be able to play the full SWC Secret Missions 2 campaign, which is commonly referred to here on the forums as Secret Missions 1.5.
Is there an "official" name for that campaign?
SM1 was called "Thor's Hammer", I guess.
Can't think of a name for SM2 either.
Anyway, I think the SM1.5 campaign deserves a good name.
AND: please playtest
- [2015-03-28] - v0.1.4: added "Start Covert Missions" image
- [2015-03-26] - v0.1.3: fixed bug where game would crash at the bar
- [2015-03-24] - v0.1.1: added generic "Buy more games like Wing Commander 2" phonetic texts and added script files for automated installation / deinstallation of mod
- [2015-03-19] - v0.1.0: initial version. Contained just the plain conversion from SWC
This is about bringing the Secret Missions 2 campaign from Super Wing Commander and 3DO, known as Secret Missions 1.5, to the PC.
For a start, I'll just make the files available here that have been converted 1:1 from the 3DO version. That's possible due to the awesome work of @UnnamedCharacter and many others who paved the way.
The zip file contains a readme file with all necessary information and instructions. For your convenience, I also added it here.
Wing Commander
Secret Missions 1.5
The files in this archive contain the necessary data to make the alternate Secret Missions 2 campaign from Super Wing Commander playable on PC.
Credits go to the folks over at, who reverse engineered the game and it's data files and who created lots of small and big tools that allow for modding of the game.
In it's current version, there's some manual work to do to make this mod playable.
Hopefully, future releases will allow for easier integration with the main game files.
This has been tested with the GOG version and wcdx, which is a patched version of the Kilrathi Saga executable (
You can get the GOG version here:
The Kilrathi Saga version can be downloaded here:
The SM2 addon is available for download here:
Just so you know: this has not been playtested, the game may crash at any time.
If so, please report at the forums in this thread:
Unpack the zip file into the GAMEDAT subdirectory of your Wing Commander installation.
Execute the file "toSM15.bat" (or just "toSM15" in case file extensions are hidden)
The files should be renamed accordingly, continue at "STARTING THE GAME" below.
For playing the original SM2 campaign, execute "toSM2.bat".
Open the GAMEDAT subdirectory of your Wing Commander installation.
Backup the following files (eg BRIEFING.002.sm2 or .bak or .whatever):
* CAMP.002
* MODULE.002
Extract the files from this archive to the GAMEDAT directory.
Execute SM2.EXE and start the game as usual.
When you talk to Shotglass and he is NOT talking about the Firekka, you seem to have done everything right.
Enjoy and please give feedback at the forums.
Replace the files with the backup.
* fix phonetics (it's mostly "buy more games like wing commander 2" yet)
* replace "Start Secret Missions 2" screen
* playtesting
Wing Commander and Wing Commander Kilrathi Saga are products of the fine folks at EA. Just about all of the games from the series except for Kilrathi Saga are currently cheaply available at GOG and via EA's Origin store. If you don't have the game and would like to try Wing Commander, please visit one of those stores for an experience that's only slightly less awesome than Kilrathi Saga.
Secret Missions 1.5
The files in this archive contain the necessary data to make the alternate Secret Missions 2 campaign from Super Wing Commander playable on PC.
Credits go to the folks over at, who reverse engineered the game and it's data files and who created lots of small and big tools that allow for modding of the game.
In it's current version, there's some manual work to do to make this mod playable.
Hopefully, future releases will allow for easier integration with the main game files.
This has been tested with the GOG version and wcdx, which is a patched version of the Kilrathi Saga executable (
You can get the GOG version here:
The Kilrathi Saga version can be downloaded here:
The SM2 addon is available for download here:
Just so you know: this has not been playtested, the game may crash at any time.
If so, please report at the forums in this thread:
Unpack the zip file into the GAMEDAT subdirectory of your Wing Commander installation.
Execute the file "toSM15.bat" (or just "toSM15" in case file extensions are hidden)
The files should be renamed accordingly, continue at "STARTING THE GAME" below.
For playing the original SM2 campaign, execute "toSM2.bat".
Open the GAMEDAT subdirectory of your Wing Commander installation.
Backup the following files (eg BRIEFING.002.sm2 or .bak or .whatever):
* CAMP.002
* MODULE.002
Extract the files from this archive to the GAMEDAT directory.
Execute SM2.EXE and start the game as usual.
When you talk to Shotglass and he is NOT talking about the Firekka, you seem to have done everything right.
Enjoy and please give feedback at the forums.
Replace the files with the backup.
* fix phonetics (it's mostly "buy more games like wing commander 2" yet)
* replace "Start Secret Missions 2" screen
* playtesting
Wing Commander and Wing Commander Kilrathi Saga are products of the fine folks at EA. Just about all of the games from the series except for Kilrathi Saga are currently cheaply available at GOG and via EA's Origin store. If you don't have the game and would like to try Wing Commander, please visit one of those stores for an experience that's only slightly less awesome than Kilrathi Saga.
So, by downloading and installing this zip file to your Wing Commander I, Secret Missions 2 installation, you should be able to play the full SWC Secret Missions 2 campaign, which is commonly referred to here on the forums as Secret Missions 1.5.
Is there an "official" name for that campaign?
SM1 was called "Thor's Hammer", I guess.
Can't think of a name for SM2 either.
Anyway, I think the SM1.5 campaign deserves a good name.
AND: please playtest

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