Which WC game engine ... ?

I saw some talk lower down in the post about doing a WC1 -> WCP conversion. That could be down, but isn't really why we need the source. The reason we need the source is to make fan-made games easier to creat, al la the Doom community. Doom 2 at 800x600 looks NICE, even though the original textures were designed for 320x240. So the original WC1 graphics engine could be enhanced. I always liked it the best anyway. With the source to WC1, or even better, Armada, the number of fan-mad projects would balloon. The WC engine is way more tight then, say, the XvT engine, which is all figured out and has numerous fan-made things done. Thats why we need the source. Armada Source would probably be a best-case, WC1 Source a worst-case

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I am interested but my knowledge of programming and converting is limited.

I need a tutor.
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You don't need to know programming to help! Just go to the page and e-mail me. I need all the signatures I can get. Thanks if you have already!

Please support the Wing Commander Engine Source Code Release Project! Only with the support of the entire community can we achieve our goals! www.wcescrp.cjb.net
Jumper, you have my signature. I emailed you a long time ago, a few weeks after you started. Keep up the good work, and don't quit trying. (reason I say, is I'm taking C++ programming next year and want to be able to do something productive with my newfound knowledge

HTML Assistant: WC Space Command
Administrator: UBW 5th Fleet
Member of the LMG and hating it (Disgruntled Man)
Striking a man down with your blade is clean and honorable. Shooting him in the back from the darkness of an alley and hurrying to blame it on another was something else altogether.--Darth Vader
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I just bought "Practical C++" (formerly "Using C++"). The only problem is...did they write WC in C++? Hrm, thats a good question.. anyone know the answer? I should start recruiting programmers now.

Please support the Wing Commander Engine Source Code Release Project! Only with the support of the entire community can we achieve our goals! www.wcescrp.cjb.net
I'd guess that the majority of WC games use some combination of C and a good deal of Assembly. The newer ones probably use C++, some Glide stuff thrown in for the 3D stuff, and I'd guess Direct3D for the software rendering. This is all just guesses though, so I could be wrong.

Yeah. Whats really kewl is this - if we got say the Armada code, we could virtually remove all limits on the engine. Like the number of ships, etc. Just like they removed the linedef limit in Doom. Then we could TRUELY render the Battle of Earth, with all 1000+ ships. It'd be a helluva mission, but I bet Armada on a p400/128MB would handle it fine. Maybe you could fly one of the Marine ships, and we could add some kinda docking routine...Imagine making the run in to dock with a supercarrier, flak all over.. not your XWA turbolasers...FLAK, as in real WC-style flak.. That would be the best.
Massive, maybe co-op with lots and lots of modification. I have a feeling that whatever license Origin would give us to the code will hace a "No Multiplayer" clause. It's be pretty embrassing if we had 1000+ ship cop-op missions with like 10 human player, massive multiplayer, before WC Online comes out.
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1000+ ships? I have some doubts regarding that. Besides, considering Armada's AI (or lack of it), it would be pretty frustrating.
Personally, I'm a lot more interested in the Priv 1 game engine. The possibilities...
Priv 1 would be great too have too...Multiplayer Priv 1 would rock! It'd be like a MUD, only better... Put a chat room in the bars.. That would be great! XWA can take 96 ships in one area... Armada must take like 1/10 of those resources... 1000 ships as least. Oh, and new AI instead of the "LucasArts School of Computer Flying" guys could be done. Actually, XvT and XWA have okay wingman AI... The original X-Wing was kinda.. braindead!

Anyway, I'm not looking at any particular engine right now. Armada or Priv 1 would be the best though

Please support the Wing Commander Engine Source Code Release Project! Only with the support of the entire community can we achieve our goals! www.wcescrp.cjb.net
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