Where do I find


Where do I find Xanmovie for download

And I was stupid enough to think that us brotha's had to stick togetha. :p
BUT, if you have Crusader: No Regret, or the Kilrathi Saga, then you also have Xanmovie.
I need to find one of those now don't I?

And I was stupid enough to think that us brotha's had to stick togetha. :p
Well, I'm sure you'll manage. KSaga is a bit difficult, but Crusader: No Regret (which happens to be a great sequel to a great game called Crusader: No Remorse) should be a bit easier.
Thank you Quarto I'm sure I will survive... After all, I'm from New York

And I was stupid enough to think that us brotha's had to stick togetha. :p
Hmm, then you'll definitely enjoy Crusader. It's a lot like life in New York (or rather, the false stereotype thereof).
::Smile comes to face:: Ahh, so if I get this it'll be a remiscing game so to speak huh?

And I was stupid enough to think that us brotha's had to stick togetha. :p
Well... yes, if you're a very active participant in NY life, then it will be like reminiscing... but more fun...
(Scene taken from an episode of the Simpson's where Bart becomes a daredevil) "Bart as the only adult here I feel I should say something....COOL!!!"

And I was stupid enough to think that us brotha's had to stick togetha. :p