Whatever happened to lanced.net

They had a critical flaw from the start which I'm glad places like lancersreactor were able to overcome: they were a fan site for a game before it existed. We run a fan site for Wing Commander because we're Wing Commander fans. How could we do it for a new game in a new series that we have no connection to.. that isn't even out yet? Why would we want to? And why would anyone go to the site if we made it? They did a decent job, despite having to hold "Bikini Babe Fridays" or whatever it was just to get any hits at all. They had some connection to slvault.com/flvault.com, but those went away too. I've been long trying to find the ChrisReid interview they did.. I only have the irc logs of the original interview.
The Chris Reid Interview!

I actually kept this, and then forgot about it.


Words from the dude who keeps a tight ear on Origin, and recently visited Chris Robert's Digital Anvil in Austin, TX

modified: Friday, 16-Apr-1999 17:46:45 EDT

Intwy: hello, hello!!
ChrisReid: hey
Intwy: alright, here we go
Intwy: What was your first WC experience and is that what got you hooked?
ChrisReid: yup, I pretty much got WC1 for SNES and WC1 (plus the secret Missions) at the same time. I played both together somewhat, then they made me get WC2 and by then I was hooked!
Intwy: Ah, and that was enough to secure the legacy huh?
ChrisReid: yes
Intwy: gotcha! Ok, so where did the idea for WCHS come from?
ChrisReid: WCHS was actually an old site that "Akkbar" Hardwicke had back in.. perhaps 1996 or so... I remember looking at it way back!! Around 1997 it was getting a major facelift and people like LOAF had a major part in it.
Intwy: And, how did you get involved with that site? ChrisReid: I was first added to the staff as "Newsgroup News Correspdondent" in mid '97. Basically that just meant I talked about WC news on the Newsgroup, something I'd already been doing for a year
Intwy: You've been active ever since? Doing the same?
ChrisReid: yeah, there was a bit of time where it didn't seem like we did much in mid 1998, but that was when we were setting up the CIC. It was amazing how there were always new things we had to get done for the site
Intwy: That leads to the next question perfectly! Where'd the idea for the new site come from, and what made you guys change?
ChrisReid: WCHS was having some internal problems in early 1998 and we had to switch servers. We decided that we wanted to re-do the site and add more, and when the opportunity arose for our own special server and domain we took it!
Intwy: That's awesome, chances don't come around like that often!
ChrisReid: although I'm not sure how much we thought about it at the time, LOAF's original "homepage" was called the "Combat Information Center" and there was a dedicated Wing Commander section on my personal homepage called "WCNews", hehe!
Intwy: hehe, the irony!! Ok, lets move to WC itself
ChrisReid: yup
Intwy: Do you have a fav WC and WHY???
ChrisReid: I always have trouble picking out favorites.. I played WC2 A LOT!! It didn't matter what mission, I'd start the game up and just play anywhere. Kind of like opening a book to any page and reading.
Intwy: yep, it definitely had some intrigue!
ChrisReid: Whatever game I've played most recently is probably my favorite at the time.
ChrisReid: I suppose WC3's story is the most compelling to me!
Intwy: ok, moving to Privateer! What's your experience with Priv and Priv2?
ChrisReid: I actually didn't get P1 and Righteous Fire until around the time that WC3 came out, perhaps a little before. I can't say I played them a whole lot at the time, but they were lots of fun. I actually took a break for a couple months before I went in a did Righteous Fire.
Intwy: hmm, cool! So, your overall impression was good?
ChrisReid: yeah, it was good!
ChrisReid: I first started hearing about rumors for another privateer game in mid 1995. That true Privateer sequel got cancelled and its people were diverted to completing WC4 however!
Intwy: I see, Priv2, go ahead.
ChrisReid: Yeah... that's right... and the Kats lost 7.8 trillion, I believe... - 12The Book of LOAF- But, perhaps a good 18 months before P2: The Darkening came out there were rumors of a plain "Privateer: the Darkening"! Things went from just "The Darkening" all the way to "P2: The Darkening", and that's what we were eventually left with!
Intwy: hmm!
ChrisReid: this was back in the old AOL Origin forum, back before they had their own domain on the web, or about the time when it was just starting up.
Intwy: After all of that, or in the middle of it actually, Chris Roberts left origin! What were your thoughts on this?
ChrisReid: I wasn't as worried as lots of people were at the time. There was lots of commotion, but the rumors of WC5 kept us excited. To me the most important thing was that WC kept going.
Intwy: yeah!!
ChrisReid: However, I was glad when he started coming back into the picture for things like the movie!
Intwy: On that topic, what did you think of the movie (the first DA project), hehe!?!?
ChrisReid: I thought it was great, I couldn't believe that any fan could give it a bad review. There are some things in there that it takes a certain perspective to see though. I wouldn't expect everyone to like it.
Intwy: I agree, did you read my review of it?
ChrisReid: A while ago, I think so
ChrisReid: I was surprised it didn't make more money than it did
Intwy: yep, me too!
Intwy: So, next comes Starlancer, WOW!! Can you give us your impressions of it?
ChrisReid: it looks great! We saw lots of amazing things in Austin. They're really taking their time and focusing on little details! While Prophecy was focused on getting you back to core things, Starlancer looks like it's going back to all the little extras!
Intwy: details, details man, Come ON!!
ChrisReid: There's a fish tank aboard your ship, and if you don't feed it for a few missions, the fish dies!
ChrisReid: The shells coming out of the Grendal were amazing! Screenshots don't do it justice. Cap-ship explosions were nice and full
Intwy: Any other tidbits you saw?
ChrisReid: it reminded me of P2 a bit.. but maybe just because it was darker than WCP. The graphics showed an additional year of development that something like Prophecy didn't have. Things were soft and smooth!
Intwy: hmm, cool!
ChrisReid: Since it might not be a while before the next WC game, it's one of the few non-WC space sims I'm seriously thinking about getting into!
ChrisReid: I'd love for it to go together with WC, while not necessarily being part of the WC universe, sort of being a WC cousin, like Strike Commander was.
Intwy: and, since this is true (WC not coming out too soon!), what do you think Starlancer's success will be? Grand, mediocre or barely?
ChrisReid: If it had the WC name attached, I think it would definately do well in sales. Since it would be a new title from a relatively unknown company, it might not do overwhelming well, but I definately think it will be pretty hot!
ChrisReid: Those who buy it probably won't be disappointed, so I'd say it looks grand!
Intwy: Did you get a chance to hear or see any StoryLine details? ChrisReid: A bit, they said it'd only have some 30 missions or so, but those missions would have varying degrees of success and how well you did would affect other missions, so you'd essentially be getting more than 30 missions' worth of gameplay!
Intwy: yep, we got 28 to 35 from the latest previews
ChrisReid: The story was different. It'd all take place in the Solar System and the enemies would be human and somehow it would be a precusor for Freelancer! At the conclusion of the Starlancer series, there would be a things that explained the beginning of Freelancer!
Intwy: Oh, so that would be included in Starlancer?, wow!
ChrisReid: It looks like they've got some unique intertwining threads going between the games.
Intwy: Now, as for Freelancer, what all did you get the chance to see? Any actual gameplay?
ChrisReid: To me it didn't look like they had a workable copy of Freelancer ready in March. There were storyboards up, and it looked like they were doing lots of heavy planning on the game
Intwy: Is Warthog doing the conceptual stuff just like they did for Starlancer and Priv2?
ChrisReid: Warthog?
Intwy: the company that did the game design for Priv2 and Starlancer
Intwy: well, actually, they were with DA for a short time and then left to form...
ChrisReid: ahh.. I didn't see any real indication one way or another
Intwy: how about a signature on a conceptual art drawing?
ChrisReid: I was under the impression that the DA building was overwhelmed with artists working on the Movie prior to our visit.
Intwy: did you see the name Stu?
ChrisReid: I didn't notice a signature in the concept art.
Intwy: hehe
Intwy: just diggin dude!!
ChrisReid: hehe
ChrisReid: I heard they were hiring at least a few people or looking into doing so this Spring.
ChrisReid: maybe those people would go into actual hardcore Freelancer work.
Intwy: So, if Starlancer is Grand, what is Freelancer?
ChrisReid: It's hard to get a picture of Freelancer. If it offers both "privateerish" gameplay and more advanced multiplayer, it could do even better than Starlancer!
Intwy: It seems that they are combining Role Playing much more, huh?
ChrisReid: It could be a sort of Wing Commander/Privateer relationship
Intwy: That'd be cool!
ChrisReid: I wouldn't be surprised if more of the privateerish games in the future had some sort of expanded Role Playing aspect compared to what we've seen in the past.
Intwy: Let's talk about Origin for a while, on that note! What is Origin up to?
ChrisReid: Well.. things have been quiet lately. They'd had a number of personnel changes related to Wing Commander. I'm thinking they're trying to finish up things like Jane's A-10 before throwing themselves into a major WC effort.
Intwy: I saw that the lead guy from Jane's is in on the development of WC now, and that they are moving toward more Multiplayer foundation?
ChrisReid: That's been reported, but I'm under the impression that's old news. With the changes they've had, I think it could go either way, although I wouldn't be surprised if they focused on massively online things first.
ChrisReid: I do think it'll be some time before the next WC product though!
Intwy: can you give us a quick note on fans, their general habits, reporting and what not, any funny stories?
ChrisReid: hmm.. my biased opinion of fans of Wing Commander (and Starlancer in the future perhaps) would be that they're a more civilized crowd.
Intwy: really!?!
ChrisReid: I've poked around in the newsgroups and forums for some of the more popular, but less complex games and the crowds really don't appeal to me. There are newsgroups that actually have running lists of "sides", groups that are "at war" with each other.
Intwy: hehe, too funny!
ChrisReid: WC fans have heated debates, but I think they're close knit, something like that would be beneficial for online games.
Intwy: So, more camaraderie?
ChrisReid: less pk'ing and such, yeah!
Intwy: Ok, Chris, thanks for your time! One last question, what's the future hold for WC CIC?
ChrisReid: hehe!
Intwy: Will you move toward covering DA games alot, or a little?
ChrisReid: Well.. if and when we get a big online game, we'll be overwhelmed with new things to do and things to occupy people. But, since that seems a ways off, I think we will branch out a bit and talk about "WC cousins" like Starlancer and Freelancer!
ChrisReid: Not that WC news will go away by any means!
Intwy: of course!!
ChrisReid: There are two novels expected within a year, new merchandise including posters and such, the ride coming in January, etc...
Intwy: Any last comments for fans?
ChrisReid: Just be patient, more is coming, it'll just take time :)
Intwy: Ok, thanks again Chris, good talkin to ya!
ChrisReid: You too! You're welcome!

Wow, hope you got a lot from this interview! Thanks alot Chris for the info!! We certainly look forward to your continued service at WC: CIC!

Intwydamalu, signing off!
I love when he pretends to be all excited about all sorts of non-exciting things...

ChrisReid: Yeah, and then I had a sandwich
Interview Guy: Wow, really!?! What was that like?!?

I also like how the Book is rather randomly in there.
Originally posted by TC
I love when he pretends to be all excited about all sorts of non-exciting things...

ChrisReid: Yeah, and then I had a sandwich
Interview Guy: Wow, really!?! What was that like?!?

And he doctored my half of the interview with punctuation:
"Yeah! And then I had a sandwich!1"