What means TCS?

Iam Rael

I know that this may be a stupid question but Iam not sure what means TCS. I think it means Terran Capital Ship, but it could also mean Terran Confederation Ship. So what does it mean. Please answer.

P.S.: Iam the Joker, but I´ve killed my E-Mail account before I know what I´ve done. So do not wonder about my awful english!

The path is clear....

[This message has been edited by Iam Rael (edited March 01, 2000).]
My opinion is the second one: Terran Confederation Ship.
But be happy. My english is also not the best. As Nighthawk would say:"Ich hätte das auch auf Deutsch schreiben können. Aber das wäre unhöflich gewesen.
Terran Confederation Ship

A wingmen is essential; they give the enemy something else to shoot at.
A turret is essential; it gives you something else to shoot with.
Just like BWS is Border Worlds Ship, KIS is Kilrathi Imperial Ship, and FRLS is Free Republic of Landreich Ship.
Good job, Raider, you've proved without a doubt that acronyms stand for things.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( loaf@wcnews.com - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG

Bombardez les Ptitard!
Raider said:
Just like BWS is Border Worlds Ship, KIS is Kilrathi Imperial Ship, and FRLS is Free Republic of Landreich Ship.

Master of the obvious strikes again!
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Well it took me a while to find out what the "I" stood for in KIS, so I wanted to let it out of the bag if some people didn't know.
Cricket: Don't say that, or they'll yell at you
. It's actually Terran Confederation Ship - the way USS is United States Ship.
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The meaning of USS depends on whether or not you are watching Star Trek.

Barrie "Cpl Hades" Almond
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Really? What does it mean in Star Trek?

[I have this odd, irrational dislike of Star Trek. As a result, I've never really watched it.]
United Space Ship or United StarShip, depending on the timeframe. United is short for UFP.

If you look at one one my email addresses, it says USS Endeavor, but it's not a ship, it mean Ultimate Sexy Swimsuit Endeavor.
It had something to do with my last trip to the Keys.
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They're in some book I haven't got yet.

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
Silent Warrior said:
Cricket! You're actually here! Why the sudden silence?

I never heard of those Landreich dudes... What/Who are they? Certainly not the Mandarins...

That SW, is because you’ve been spending too much time on the FS2 BB.
Free Republic of Landreich is a group of colonies that declared independence during the war because Confed wasn’t exactly protecting them from the cats. There are tons of privateers, mercenaries and pirates there. The Landreich is in Action Stations, Fleet Action, and False Colors. Think of them as Border Worlders (they probably were with the UBW during the Black Lance affair.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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Except they don't have much military strength. They're not on the map that came with WCP, so don't try to look for them or you'll be looking a very long time.
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Death's Head said:
Uh, Earthworm tell them him about their military strength.

OK, since you asked so nicely.
Their military strength is very weak. Their fleet consists of battle groups many times centered around light/escort carrier (like the Tarawa (Tarawa was renamed to Independence after the Landreich bought her), they bought 4 or so of them after the TK war). After the TK war, Max Kruger (the president of the Landreich) started bying a LOT of ships from Confed. Most of their fighters are older Confed designs that many times are heavily modified (like the Ferret with an engine from a corvette
) they include Broadswords, Ferrets, Raptors, Hornets, Rapiers, and so on. Most of their capships are either old and obsolete Confed ships, or ships that weren't any good at the time they were build. However in False Colors, the Landreich did recover a Kilrathi Bhantkara class carrier, with about 60 operational fighters (Vaktohs, Dralthis, Darkets, Strakhas, and Pakhtans), and 20-30 other craft (like shutles and electronic warfare fighters with very little weapons, but capable of emiting so much energy to make the enemy think they're capships) IIRC. But unfortunetly since FC we didn't hear anything about the FRL, and unless Origin decides to use them in a game we won't be seing them for some time.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited March 02, 2000).]
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