What is the best ship in P2

I am laughing at a 2nd Lieutenant telling mpanty what to do (no offense Rampage;))

Hey you done with my laundry yet mpanty?!!!?!??!

Originally posted by mpanty
Mmmhh... you need a guide on WC abreviations we use around here... :)

Priv = Privateer
P2 = Privateer 2 The Darkening
KS = Kilrathi Saga
WC1, 2, 3... = Wing Commander 1, 2, 3...
SM1, 2 = Secret Missions 1,2 (from WC1)
SO1, 2 = Special Operations 1, 2 (from WC2)
Secret Ops = Secret Operations (from Prophecy)

and also, from the novels:

FF = Freedom Flight
ER = End Run
FA = Fleet Action
HoT = Heart of the Tiger
PoF = Price of Freedom
FC = False Colors
AS = Action Stations

Not as obvious as it seems apparently... :)

You look like Quarto !!
Swabbie? :confused:
Rampage... if people would get banned everytime they made a simple suggestion, I'm sure there wouldn't be a lot left on the CZ...
Originally posted by Ghost
You look like Quarto !!
Alright, ya got me! mpanty is in fact Quarto's secret identity... <g>
I found the Mass Ions to be almost completely useless. They had such a short range and low damage that their advantage of building up almost no heat was overshadowed.
Plus, they sound stupid when fired. :)
Well, at least they're better than Volt Lasers! God, those things had the range of Neutron Guns, but were really weak. Plus their refire sucked.
Originally posted by Arcadian15
I am laughing at a 2nd Lieutenant telling mpanty what to do (no offense Rampage;))

Hey you done with my laundry yet mpanty?!!!?!??!


ooooo rank, thats solid indeed :P
Originally posted by Rampage3051
Well, at least they're better than Volt Lasers! God, those things had the range of Neutron Guns, but were really weak. Plus their refire sucked.

Hmm, I had the impression that the Volt lasers had both a longer ranger (though not very long) and more damage potential than the Mass Ion. But it has been quite some time...
I did some tests on range of guns on my old Pentium 120 before I got my 366 and Priv2 ran too fast:

Stream Laser Mk I: 260m
Volt Laser: 150m
Flux Beam Mk I: 320m
Flux Beam Mk II: 350m
Stream Laser Mk II: 280m
Mass Ion Cannon: 170m

Although the small 20m advantage the Mass Ion has over the Volt Laser seems insignificant, you've gotta bear in mind that the standard medium range set by the Stream Laser is only 250 meters. Also, the Rate of Fire of the Volt Laser: 5 per second
and the Mass Ion: 12 per second.
Plus, the Mass Ion generates no heat, while the Volt laser has a mediocre Energy Efficiency rating of 5.

I rest my case. :)
_I_ liked the way the Mass Ion sounded when you fired it; but then again, the *thumpthumpthump* sound is hard to hear if you don't have a subwoofer. Besides, it feels cool when it looks like you're shooting those ultra-strong CIS turret blasts :)
Alright, alright, I'll drop it...;)
The coolest guns in the game only come when you hex edit a saved game to get capship guns:D. A temblor flies in front of you but doesn't fly away :D

pity all your energy is drained after that . . .:rolleyes: