well you made it to AG as well!!!


Master of Orion
hey guys.

Just saw today at the biggest russian games' review site (similar to the GameSpot, but made for the russian audience) the news about the WCU:pR at the top of their update. I must say that this is a very big acknowledgement, cause not every remake (couldn't think of any before) made it to the AG (Absolute Games)

here is the link -> http://www.ag.ru/news/08-03-2005#14725

Absolute Games is a very honored russian games' review domain (server, site, whetever you call it). If you got there, than the advertisement of the Remake at the high level. It will be at the highest if you make it to the GameSpot. heheheeh but still imagine, being a news item at the russian site means that you've been noticed somewhere by those guys from AG ;) This means the Remake is starting to take its popularity ;)


P.S. i think linking to this news update from your privateer site would be pretty cool. As well as to the Slashdot. So maybe you need to create the new section on the site, called "Press". ;)


P.S.S. ohh almost forgot, and here is the link to the Privateer Remake section under AG site. -> http://www.ag.ru/geo/14429