WC Privateer information pleaze...


Greetings, fellow Wing Commander fanatics.

I, Job, am currently working on a Wing Commander privateer (1) RPG, using the GURPS system. So I was wondering, do you people know any sites with loads of info concerning this still so great game?

Thanks in advance,


--->Every Kilrathi should be programming Windows in Fortran.
Hey Blondie I wish you the best of luck. Priv is great and GURPS is surely one of the best systems for such a project. My brother already converetd some RPGs to GURPS because it is so detailed.

(BTW, as true and faithful servant of the Empire of Kilrah, I have to tell you that the name of our last prince is spelled "Thrakhath" :) )
Originally posted by wcwraith
what is GURPS
Generic Universal Roleplaying System.
It supplements you with ample rules and suggestions to create a RPG in whatever environment you want.