WC and Star Trek pics

Sorry should have (its the southern speech: have and of sound a lot a like so sometimes when I end up righting should of instead of should have)
In the south they teach the three "r's": reading righting and rithmatic.

Sorry, I couldn't resist and I hope you find that funny and not offensive. Many of my family come from the south.
*slaps forehead* That is a rare event that write "right" instead of "write". I can't believe I made that error. :(
I remember reading in a side view cross section that all Galaxy Class had restrooms in the middle of each ship component (saucer and stardrive).
Alright, so finally here are the WC pics. Yes, I know my scanner sucks and I should invest in a digital camera soon.

First pics are from the Halloween party.

ed and dave.jpg

ed and joe.jpg

The last pic is near a door at the Hilton in Vegas that looked very WCish.

wcdoor vegas.jpg