Violators Will Be Shot On Sight! (January 14, 1999)



Earlier this week the United States National Security Agency announced they had banned the Furby from all NSA installations in fear of the Furby's capability to learn and repeat classified information (check out the CNN report here). Following suit this morning, the CIC issued a press release banning the Furby from the CIC and all CIC affiliates. At this afternoon's press conference, CIC Webmaster Ben Lesnick issued the following statement:
Anyway, I think my life would be greatly improved if I owned a Furby... because I'd thwack somebody on the head with it, killing them and leading to a big court case over whether Furby's are really alive... and then if they are, it's not my fault, and if they're not, I'll sue the Furby company for making me think they're responsible for their own actions... yeah, it'll be sweet...

Original update published on January 14, 1999
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