Use the Force, Freddie...

Two years ago at work i was throwing out flourescent light bulbs, the big long ones, and we were talking about The Phantom Menace. He was holding one and made like it was a light saber. I had two so i made like a had a dual bladed light saber. I took one swing and accidently smashed it on a light fixture over my head. The bulb exploded. Glass everywhere and there is this weird dust in them. Anyway it was pretty funny. Fortuantly my boss didnt see it.

Sees relavent to the thread...
Fortunately, your boss didn't see it?! Reading that I thought, "Uh oh, where's this going?" Didn't you get hurt?
My boss had cameras everywhere and i was pretty much right in front of one when it happened. But no, i didnt get cut by any of the glass, and i didnt think it was funny until i was sure i hadnt been. It was funny cause of how stupid it was.
Youre fortunate not to have gotten seriously hurt, those flourescent lamps have a high vacume in them, when they break, they "implode" first, then "explode". Thats why the glass shatters into small fine pieces, pieces that can get into one's eye, project into the skin, not to mention that "strange dust" is very toxic if you breath any of it in. Next time, try standing in front of an oncomming train! ;)

Yes, luck for you. In both ways. Your boss didn't see and you didn't be hurt. The day was saved.
But they are really so dangerous? Because at our school they always shoot on them. Don't want to be in a room if that happens RFBurns. I mean if they drop one time.