They've finally done it...

I'll be more impressed if it passes any reputible ethics commitee.
Nice. Few years from now and someone will be able to build a mansion and start selling tickets for "Resident Evil: The Experience".
They had a Resident Evil haunted house in Japan for about a year. I think it was in promotion for RE3?
i cant belive it!!!!!!!!!! its maddness i tell you!! but stil at least they didnt bring any cats back 2 life!!!!!
Ah. Brings back the important saying in the Quake manual about zombies:

Thoust cannot kill what is already dead, but thou can blast them into chunky kibbles.
There are no animal rights people on this? You know it's gotta happen soon, some four-hundred pound woman with a unibrow will show up and yell about this.

Shipgate said:
Why do they show the dog looking all malicious?

So that people wouldnt feel sorry for it and start bitching about evil scientist hurting cute innoscent creatures.
THis sounds like the same study:!-1738921856!-949856031!9001!-1

This really isn't all that incredibly out there. There has been documented cases for a while now of kids falling through ice and being pretty much clinicly dead after getting hypothermia. Hours latter, the doctors slowly warm the patient and they were revived without any signs of brain damaga. (this is mostly reported to work with little kids though. I'm not sure why it doesnt work as well on adults).
Check it out:
Paramedics failed to revive her on the way to the hospital. It took a team of doctors and nurses about 90 minutes to get the child's heart beating again.
some other interesting links:!1362100327!-949856032!9001!-1!-1738921856!-949856031!9001!-1!-1738921856!-949856031!9001!-1
Sounds great, sign me up. I don't see how this would be unethical or even has anything to do with zombies. This is simply an efficient method of putting someone on ice while doctors surgically repair damaged tissue after severe blood loss. I'd be pretty pissed if I died because my doctor had some moral problem with freezing me a couple hours until he could plug the hole in my side.

AD said:
(this is mostly reported to work with little kids though. I'm not sure why it doesnt work as well on adults).

Probably something as simple as children being a lot less thick than adults. Much easier for the cold to quickly penetrate and cool the inner organs before damage occurs.
:D the simple fact that Frosty replied in this thread makes me smile... I mean Frosty, it's just so obvious and funny at the same time... it also makes me realise how easely I'm entertained.

I notice how they aren't saying just how it feals to have your blood replaced by cool saline solution (and by that I mean is the dog screaming?)... I'm thinking along the lines of when NEO wakes up from the MATRIX by turning into liquid metal and saying: "It's cold... it's cold"
I think you're pretty unconscious when they perform the thing. IT is a really weird concept, having your blood swapped with cold salt water. Amazing how tissues don't die without nourishment, thanks to the cold.

It might have the side effect of cleaning your vessels, ehehehe, but it wouldn't help those clogged arteries people much, I guess.

Maybe they should create something akin to the fuel aditives, those cleaners they put in the gasoline to help clean the engine ehehehe.

Last, the newspiece itself is pretty crappy. It doesn't help the credibility of the fact anyhow. And what the fuck is boffin?
From the OED:

boffin ('bofIn). slang.
[Etym. unknown. Numerous conjectures have been made about the origin of the word but all lack foundation.]

1. An ‘elderly’ naval officer.
1941 C. Graves Life Line 143 Their ages are as youthful as air crews. Thirty-two is considered the maximum... In H.M.S. Wasps’ Nest, anyone aged thirty-two is officially a ‘boffin’. There is even a song about them... ‘He glares at us hard and he scowls, For we’re the Flotilla Boffins.’
1942 ‘Sea-Wrack’ Random Soundings 71 We were ‘Old Boffins’, the Pay. and I. He had been in the Bank of England for many years, and in the R.N.R. almost as long... I hadn’t been to sea in a professional capacity for some eighteen years.

2. A person engaged in ‘back-room’ scientific or technical research. Hence 'boffin(e)ry, boffins collectively; also, the activity of a boffin.
(The term seems to have been first applied by members of the Royal Air Force to scientists working on radar. )
1945 Times 15 Sept. 5/4 A band of scientific men who performed their wartime wonders at Malvern and apparently called themselves ‘the boffins’.
1948 ‘N. Shute’ No Highway iii. 61 ‘What’s a boffin?’ ‘The man from Farnborough. Everybody calls them boffins. Didn’t you know?’.. ‘Why are they called that?’.. ‘Because they behave like boffins, I suppose.’
1948 Lord Tedder in A. P. Rowe One Story of Radar p. vii, I was fortunate in having considerable dealings in 193840 with the ‘Boffins’ (as the Royal Air Force affectionately dubbed the scientists).
1952 Picture Post 30 Aug. 20/1 Only a backroom boffin out of touch with the classroom could hold this pious belief.
1954 Economist 19 June Suppl. 6/3 The graduate from research–roughly..the boffin of industry.
1957 R. Watson-Watt Three Steps to Victory xxxiii. 201 The proud title of Boffin was first conferred on a few radar scientists by Royal Air Force officers with whom they worked in close co-operation... I am not quite sure about the true origins of this name of Boffin. It certainly has something to do with an obsolete type of aircraft called the Baffin, something to do with that odd bird, the Puffin; I am sure it has nothing at all to do with that first literary Back Room Boy, the claustrophiliac Colonel Boffin.
1958 Times Lit. Suppl. 14 Feb. 83/3 In one of those diverting interludes..he writes an anatomy of Boffinry.
1958 Economist 25 Oct. 298/1 The unexpected success of the boffins’ conference at Geneva..ending in agreement on the feasibility of controlling a nuclear test suspension.
1960 J. MacLaren-Ross Until Day viii. 132, I was engaged in some boffinery in a blasted back-room unit.
You could just as easily claim that long-distance space travel became a possibility thanks to the invention of the wheel :p. I mean, this is just one of the many, many things that you'd need for space travel, and arguably not even an essential thing.
Well, for very basic long-distance space travel, sounds pretty essential. Just perfect it to last for decades and centuries and stuff some people in a Voyager-like satelite made deluxe, and long-distance space travel is achieved.

But yeah, not very essential for anything other than Mars missions.
It's only essential if you're planning to still be alive when you get there - if you're willing to settle for the grand-children of your grand-children seeing the final destination instead of you, then it's not an issue.

(also, note that which ever way you look at it, people would have to be really, really, really desperate to travel to another star system with cryogenics - would you be willing to take a one-way ticket to a place that nobody knows anything about?)