Thanks and Questions


Thanks to all the generous and talented people involved in this project! I remember buying Privateer as a teenager and being so excited with my freinds to be playing it. Awesome work! :)

I am a professional software tester with now a decade of commercial experience testing computer software, so I am happy to help where I can.

There were a few things that confused me, I guess its part of being a newbie to the remake. Anyway if I can ask the following questions, and Ive done a search.

1. How do you exit the game from a docked situation?
2. There is no movies with the remake?
3. The tutorials cant be done?

I have some recollection of the original and Im trying to come to terms with whats different here.

1. Go to the mission computer, commodity exchange, or ship dealer, enter the interface screen, click on Save/Load, and there will be a "Quit Game" button at the lower left.

2. No, no movies. They have been captured from the original, but there were problems implementing them in the remake.

3. Tutorials?