Thank You! (August 14, 2016)


Space Marshal
And that's our show, folks! We hope you enjoyed this year's birthday slate! Scrolling back through it all, we think it's a super fun lineup that provides a good cross section cutout look at what the community is up to. The birthday wouldn't be what it is without all your contributions and participation, so thanks for making it super memorable. We somehow manage to get 2,000 visits per day, which is absolutely amazing. The bump we sustained last year with Wing Commander's arrival on Netflix has been fairly permanent, which is awesome.

If you're reading this in real time as the update went live, there's still a bunch of party left to go in #Wingnut. Otherwise, we'll see you back here on Monday for the continuation of daily news posts. As we look forward to next year, we'll be holding out 19th Birthday in 2017. Amazingly, that'll actually be our twentieth annual party counting the grand opening in 1998. See you there!

Original update published on August 14, 2016
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Yeah, even I'm shocked, but multiple traffic analytics tools we use all show it's "real," and the only thing we can pin it to is WC on Netflix (and I've corroborated by spending way too much time searching the public social media sphere and seeing hundreds of random unsolicited comments about people watching WC on Netflix). I guess there was just a large pool of people out there who are Wing Commander fans and were interested in lurking in a Wing Commander community that just never thought to google and find us.
I have to say this - Wing Commander & FreeSpace, there's nothing like them, because they don't have games like that anymore that even use a joystick. I have a joystick for my PC that only gets used for Wing Commander. Lately, I've been enjoying Wing Commander Saga, which has done a remarkable job of keeping WC alive over the past few years, even if it's been out for 4 years now. Amazing how the fan-made Mods keep the WC Universe relevant!

Also, you keep putting up new content every day, which is remarkable. I haven't visited in a month, and I KNEW I could log on tonight and see 30 new posts, and that makes a huge difference, and makes me want to come back. Your efforts are appreciated, sirs.