SWC Tiger's Claw


Rear Admiral
Could anyone list or show the precise differences between the SWC Tiger's Claw and the WC Armada Lexington?

I know that the CG model is similar but there are some major differences in launch/landing spaces.

I know it is Green (SWC version), but I thought there were differences in engine layout as well. One of them also has launch tubes mounted on the side, the other has a forward bay (I think).
I know it is Green (SWC version), but I thought there were differences in engine layout as well. One of them also has launch tubes mounted on the side, the other has a forward bay (I think).

I Thought the flight deck's layout was also different, like the side launchers? I don't recall seeing those on the Lady Lex.
Wow! It took me this long, but I just got the Scotty reference.

Interestingly enough thats a double reference. We see it in TOS when the Enterprise gets taken over by a superior alien race, and then again in TNG when Scotty makes his cameo when Data offers him Aldeveran Whiskey. I didn't put that together until I recently finished my collection of both series, I thought it was funny as hell.
Where do the fighters launch and land on the Armada Lexington? I don't see any fighter access point.
SAGA has a model with hangar and all. It's not canon, but I don't think we have much else on the subject, except Armada's own intro.
When you launch in game it's from the front of the carrier. The launch tubes aren't drawn on the model it seems.

You launch forward in Super Wing Commander too, though: the fighters shoot from the forward-facing side of the rectangular launch bays (and then land on the sides).

SAGA has a model with hangar and all. It's not canon, but I don't think we have much else on the subject, except Armada's own intro.

The ship in the Armada intro is the green "cinematic" SWC Bengal model, though (... except the Gladius takes off from the recovery bay instead of the launch tube?).
I just want to comment that I loved the Armada Intro just because the music was so epic. Totally off topic I know but it was just awesome.