Standoff is officialy Alive


Vice Admiral
For the past year, the team of WC Standoff led by Eder Vieto has been one of the benchmarks off Wing Commander Mods on the market today. Their continuing struggle to bring us the height in quality is rapidly becoming complete.

This shows that Wing Commander is not at an impass, not at the end of its rope. It proves what a dedicated group of fans and some real talent can produce and I believe I speak for everyone here when I say we are dammned impressed with what you have achieved.

You have , along with the many other high quality mods rejuvenated Wing Commander and made us, the fans, begging for more. You have inspired us in much the same way Origin did so long ago. I think this qoute signifies it best. (It is a little modified.)

"The Firekka moves in for the kill, and the last Kilrathi planet in the sector falls."

... for you have truly moved in for the kill, and taken the fan creation to a new level.

I just wanted to say Thank You.
Sylvester said:
For the past year, the team of WC Standoff led by Eder Vieto...
Who? :p

Sylvester said:
You have , along with the many other high quality mods rejuvenated Wing Commander and made us, the fans, begging for more. You have inspired us in much the same way Origin did so long ago.
Well, thanks.

Sylvester said:
I just wanted to say Thank You.
You're welcome. I started this mod mostly out of the pleasure I take in 3d modelling, though, so it's no biggie. :D