spoilers in posts.


if your going to discuss storylines, could you at the beginning of the post or in the title place a spoilers warning? i dont want to be a dick about it, its just that ive accidentally stumbled upon plot events in posts. i dont want to ruin my experience or anyone elses.

Kiss her...It would never work with her....kiss her...

Was there something in particular that has already been spoiled for you? I mean, at the end of WC3, you can have chosen either girl or choose to be alone.
i dont appreciate the spoiler in your post. come on guys, this is a simple request! other forums do it, why cant this one?
Other forums aren't usually dealing with subject matter that is, at its freshest, 5 years old for the most part, and most of them don't assume that you've somehow missed some of the biggest plot points in said material. If you've ever been to the CIC Files Section, a file name like 'Hobbes Holomessage Explanation' is a pretty big clue, and it's material that's been debated here a thousand times. Unfortunately, what that means is that most of this material is considered 'common knowledge', especially given that they've got scripts in said file area, and many discussions here center around the vagaries of each game plot.

It's rather like talking about Star Wars, Episode IV by this point, as far as discussing WC1-WCP is concerned, from what I've seen.
You could be like my friend. Say if he is like waiting for a Star Wars movie or something to come out, he isolates himself from any news or trailers about Star Wars. He even told me a story how he ran out of the theater when the trailer came on. I was like, "Why didn't you just close your eyes and plug your ears." At any rate, that is a bit extreme. But yes, I would post something like that assuming everyone has played that game through and through. But it is a bit of spoiler isn't it. Sorry mate.
yeah, the hobbes thread is what prompted me to post this one.

i understand where you are coming from Haesslich. i shall try to be more careful. but, you've also gotta understand that there are noobs going through the series for the first time, like me. we every plot twist to be a surprise.
Yeah, WC3 turns ten years old this year. If you don't know the plot twists contained therein, you really need to get on the ball. That's great if you're just getting started.. you'll need to avoid a whole lot of threads then, because the basic plots of ten year old stories are indeed considered "common knowledge" at this point.
I was told about the 'baddie/traitor' in WC3/4 before I played them, it didn't spoilt it for me. I also knew about the Return of the Jedi before I saw it, and that wasn't too bad either. If something is new and just about to (or has recently) come out, of course it is sensible to broadcast spoiler warnings when people discuss bits and pieces which have been revealed. But WC doesn't really fall into that categort anymore, and with many of us here having been in the community for a long time, there is a tendency to talk about plot-twists and details as common knowledge.

In any case, I offer my apology to you, derek, and to any other newbie or casual reader if I've made this mistake, but I think it's something that cannot be helped in something as old as WC.
Well, I'm sorry if I ever spoiled something, but I will keep talking about the games, they're quite old indeed.
the time from now to WCP is the same time between WC1 and WCP...