sigo sin poder jugar al UE



Perdonad mi ignorancia pero no consigo iniciar el UE,después de leer el preludio en el fiction viewer me pide el password para empezar la primera mision y no se cual es.Alguien me podria decir cual es o la forma en la que tengo que empezar porque no entiendo como me habeis dicho que no se necesita password para empezar las misiones,sino solo para el fiction,cuando a mi si me lo pide?además, si le doy directamente a empezar UE me pone "could not determine what GL DLL to load".
Cómo o qué tengo que hacer para empezar la mision1?gracias.
Although I don't uderstand Spanish (except some words that look like French ones) I think I can see the problem.

Unregistered, have you made sure you installed UE in the exact same folder than Secret Ops ?
Si no hablas ingles es mucho mas dificil recibir ayuda acá.

Usted no necesita el password para empezar las misiones, solamente para ler la fiction.

Su configuración de video está incorrecta. En el setup, "Video Configuration" seleccione "Software" o "Direct3d".

Antes, verifique se UE fue instalado en el mismo directorio que Secret Ops, esto es lo que Pete abajo esta tentando le decir.

Viva el Portuñol!!! :D
Starkey said:
Si no hablas ingles es mucho mas dificil recibir ayuda acá.

Usted no necesita el password para empezar las misiones, solamente para ler la fiction.

Su configuración de video está incorrecta. En el setup, "Video Configuration" seleccione "Software" o "Direct3d".

Antes, verifique se UE fue instalado en el mismo directorio que Secret Ops, esto es lo que Pete abajo esta tentando le decir.

Viva el Portuñol!!! :D
Hummm... Spanish or Portugese ? I could almost translate it just by the similitudes with French.

"If you don't speak English it's much difficult to get an ?answer?"

"Your video configuration might be incorrect. In the setup, "Video configuration", select "Software" or "Direct3D" "

"But first, make sure that UE is installed in the same folder than Secret Ops, as Pete tried to explain."

"Vive the Portugese language!!!"

How far am I from what you wrote, Starkey ? :)
You got everything right, Pete, except for this sentence:

"Vive the Portugese language!!!"

Portuguese = Português; Spanish = Español (SPN) or Espanhol (POR)

Portuñol: Mix of "Português" and "Español"

I speak Portuguese, but since it is very similar to Spanish, we Brazilians are able to have an almost fluent conversation with any Spanish speaker. I bet my sentences have some errors, but I´m sure they can be understood by someone who speaks Spanish, right Ghost?

French and Italian are also similar to Portuguese, as they are all Latin-based languages, but Spanish is really close, mainly because Portugal (until +- 1200 A.C.) was once a part of Spain.
Starkey said:
Portuñol: Mix of "Português" and "Español"
Just for the record, Portuñol isn't a real language, that's just a slang term we use. The last thing my country needs is yet another language erroneously associated with it :p
Starkey said:
Portuguese = Português; Spanish = Español (SPN) or Espanhol (POR)

Portuñol: Mix of "Português" and "Español"
Spanish: English = Spanish; English: English = English
Spanglish: Mix of Spanish and English (ENG)

Ingles: Spanish = English; Espanol: Spanish = Spanish
Spangles: Mix of Spanish and English (SPA)

French and Italian are also similar to Portuguese, as they are all Latin-based languages, but Spanish is really close, mainly because Portugal (until +- 1200 A.C.) was once a part of Spain.
Italian & Portuguese are more similar to Spanish than is French, though they all share the same root and are thus "Romance" languages (as has been pointed out)