Of Bells and Whistles (May 22, 2000)


Incite's Starlancer review includes some Wing Commander references that are worth mentioning.[*]In my formative years, no game captivated me like Origin's Wing Commander.[*]For all its bells and whistles, StarLancer is a very simple game. Kill bad guys, help the cause, advance in rank, and get cool cut-scenes and accolades. Rinse and repeat. And StarLancer executes this paradigm extremely well, making it the best true space combat game since Wing Commander.[*]Put simply, StarLancer is the 21st century version of Wing Commander. It looks incredible, plays nearly flawlessly, and even has a story that you care aboutI don't fully agree with that last bit. The article talks as much about Wing Commander and Chris Roberts as Starlancer. Check it out here.

Original update published on May 22, 2000
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