Non-thrust expending spaceships


First of all, none of the following are perpetual motion machines. These drives are totally contained. My friend informed me that NASA developed a new kind of spacecraft drive that uses 4 magnets. Two are the parallel stationary magnets and have their S poles mounted on the aft of the ship, the other 2 magnets are the equadistantly moving magnets inside a gigantic coil of wire that goes from one of the N poles of the stat magnets to the other. The two moving magnets are locked in place with their S poles adjacent to each other. When they're unlocked, the S poles repel each other and the moving magnets move to where they are parallel and their N poles are adjacent to the N poles of the stat magnets. The N poles of the stat magnets repel the magnets back to their starting positions and the N poles of the moving magnets repel the N poles of the stat magnets away (along with the rest of the ship).
stat move
Diagram of magneticcoil drive
S-N N)
S-N N)

I was thinking that this would be sort of good for a sneak attack since the fighter or torpedo or shuttle could be cloaked and there would be no energy trail that could be detected. There would be EM radiation from the magneticcoil drive given off though, perhaps it could be camoflauged by ECMs, decoys.
It's my last day off, and I don't feel like thinking. Even if I did though, I probably still wouldn't get it.
Well, this most certainly looks like mailbag material. Lay off the bad acid, Chip.

[This message has been edited by KrisV (edited August 30, 2000).]
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Chip, it's in your best interest to keep science threads reserved to Vondoom and myself. This stuff is a little to complex for a kid your age.


Wing Commander is more than just a game. It is a lifestyle.

[This message has been edited by Meson (edited August 30, 2000).]
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Meson! How're you doing?

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

[This message has been edited by WildWeasel (edited October 20, 2000).]
I'm doing great.
And you?


Wing Commander is more than just a game. It is a lifestyle.
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Good. I didn't realize that you lived so close to me. I'm just south of you.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

[This message has been edited by WildWeasel (edited October 20, 2000).]

This topis is turning into a chat
Maybe you should try logging into #WingNut once in a while.


Wing Commander is more than just a game. It is a lifestyle.
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I was hoping topic drift would take it in another direction.


Wing Commander is more than just a game. It is a lifestyle.
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Thing is, these magnetically driven ships would be nice to knock out the radar buoys in WCIV too, or better yet, just cloak 'em and send them in to steal the buoy. It would be so funny -- the cloaked magnetically driven ship going in and no one picks it up, not even its energy trail since it has none. Then pliers reconfigures the buoy to not inform ConFed of Border Worlds fighters coming in -- they'd be cloaked nad magnetically driven too. Oh and using the cloaked magnetically driven ships to steal turret mines -- give Intrepid more point defense. Note that I forgot to inlcude the fact that the magneticcoil drive can be positioned inside the ship as a ball turret and rotated 720 degrees to allow the ship to vector any direction it wants.
And better yet, using cloaked magnetically driven drone fighters with cloaked manipulator claws to sneak up behind ConFed fighters and grab them too! Better watch out on the bombers -- those turrets can spell trouble.
"I was hoping topic drift would take it in another direction"

Drift? Like drift in space, I don't think so.
We're on the attack with these new magneticoil drives. I've got a couple more coming up too.
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