Thanks 4 the help Earth Worm + Iceman,But I also wanted to know something,
WILL there be a new Wing Commander Game?
Some1 said there wasn't...
Origin didn’t announce the new game, but there’s a lot of evidence that they’re working on Privateer Online. A persistent world, somewhat similar to Ultima Online, where you can fight trade, buy/sell, and possibly explore new systems. Keep watching the CIC for more news about any new WC products.
Yeah, Some1 told me about Priv3, but thought it was just a rumor.
But what about nomal Wing Commander Games?
Is Prophecy the end?
What about Casey?
What about Maniac?

I think a dark time has come to Wing Commanders everywhere.

If you Know Earth Worm, or if anyone else knows Please Anser!
Bad Mojo and Edge said:
Yeah, Some1 told me about Priv3, but thought it was just a rumor.

Privateer 3 was canceled, Privateer Online is technicly a different game.

But what about nomal Wing Commander Games?

Define normal. Privateer and Privateer 2, and POL are WC games just as much as WC1-WCSO.

Is Prophecy the end?
Well, if you want to look for an end it should be SO. Anyhow, Origin anounced that they won't be making SP games for now, and are going multiplayer only.

What about Casey?

What about him? He worked for the CIS in SO, and now he'll probably get back to the Midway. If POL brings in helluva lot of money we could be seing a full blown SP game soon after, and Casey will most likely be the main character.

What about Maniac?
Maniac, mybe he'll finaly grow up and get a capship commande? Nah, that's unlikely. He'll probably fly for Confed till he's 70.


Blair is MIA and considered dead. It's unlikely that we'll see him again.

I think a dark time has come to Wing Commanders everywhere.
He he, you couldn't be more wrong. WC isn't just games, it's much more than that. And if games are all you want you'll have to wait for POL another year or two.
If you Know Earth Worm, or if anyone else knows Please Anser!

Actualy it's just Earthworm.
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Sorry. We know Privateer is part of the original story line, but Privateer is not part of the mainstream with Blair and his crew and friends.
Although Privateer is part of the WC universe, it is technically not the same thing. Privateer is a milestone in the Wing Commander universe, and it may indeed be better, in Mojo's opinion, than the mainstream games.
But we're asking about any new game involving
Blair or Casey.
Bad Mojo and Edge said:
Sorry. We know Privateer is part of the original story line, but Privateer is not part of the mainstream with Blair and his crew and friends.
Although Privateer is part of the WC universe, it is technically not the same thing. Privateer is a milestone in the Wing Commander universe, and it may indeed be better, in Mojo's opinion, than the mainstream games.
But we're asking about any new game involving
Blair or Casey.

IMO, Privateer 2 is better than Priv, but none of the Privateers is better than WC4.

Anyhow, if you want a game with Blair, than you probably won't see one since Blair is most likely dead.
However, if POL will be a big succes, and it most likely will, than we could see a new WC game with a great story, maybe even of the same size like the WC4 story, soon after POL (and by soon I mean at least 1.5 years).
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Are you insane? Privateer 2 better than Privateer 1. NO WAY! Privateer 2 isn't even a WC game it takes place in a totally different universe. Privateer 2 sucked, the game engine was good but the game was lame.
I think you're the mentally challenged one if you think Privateer 2 can't be a WC game just because it's set in the future in a remote corner of the galaxy. So it's not a totally different universe...

And I too like Priv2 better than Priv1.
Darkstar said:
Are you insane? Privateer 2 better than Privateer 1. NO WAY! Privateer 2 isn't even a WC game it takes place in a totally different universe. Privateer 2 sucked, the game engine was good but the game was lame.
Darkstar, that's my opinion, I can think whatever I want about the game. Anyhow, some of the regulars here may know that I don't care much about graphics, but it's true that P2 had a great engine. It also had a much better story with great acting, much better missions, and much more ships/weapons/modules. The interface was great. The whole both system and all that, the news buletins are great, you can receive SOS missions through your e-mail, some of the missions that aren't connected to the story still have FMV with them. The only complaints I have about P2 is that it's random mission generator sucks, the AI is bad, and that it lacks subtitles.

And P2 is very much a WC game. WC doesen't need to have Confed, Kilrathi or any other races we've seen. It's set about 100 years after SO, and is in a different part of the galaxy. They have contact with Confed, but they aren't a part of Confederation. Just because you didn't like it doesen't mean that it's not a WC game.
It's been a while since I played it but I don't remember anything about it being set in the future of the WC universe.
It's also, because aparently Darkstar doesn't pay attention.
On all fan sites for Priv2 there's a mention about it being in the future and in a different part. I belive that's also in the OSI's FAQ for P2.

It's never said in the game that it is in the future though. How much sense would it make if Lev Arris started talking about the Confed history for no aparent reason.
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If you read the timeline that's posted on this very site it says that according to Privateer 2 human civilization first appeared on Anhur in 212 B.C. How can humans have appeared on another planet before interstellar flight. It makes no sense. Humans could not have evolved on 2 planets at the same time.
He he, but we know that they are human, so either the first people in Tri-Systems for whatever reason didn't want the new generations to know the truth (but we all know the truth is out there...), or they were moved there by some ancient race that came to earth couple thousand years ago and moved those people.
You're on thin ice here. I don't think there's any mention, in WC, of aliens kidnapping humans and transplanting them to another planet.
And is there a mention that they weren’t? Since the humans in Tri-Systems are obviously from Earth, than they either lied about when they came there, or something must have taken them from Earth. And who said anything about kidnapping. Who knows, maybe there was some kind of ancient civilization on Earth, and they went there themselves

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited March 15, 2000).]
Ha! Nobody believed me, but WC just proved that Atlantis excisted!

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
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