New forum!

:) Hey ,its 2668 !There,Talons where there in Gemini at that time (Privateer/RF).

Talons exist through no less than 130 years of the Wing Commander timeline.. so anything's possible. :)
Originally posted by Quarto
BTW, Eder, I sure hope you design the textures in such a way that they can easily be altered later on to match some of the other factions that make use of Talons... ;)

But of course. I can just put all the rust and scratches in one layer, and a few logos separately on some other layers in photoshop, so it'd be easy to toggle between the pirates' banged up and unmarked Talon, the retro's clean white and with eye-markings Talon, and the militia's banged up, but with markings Talon.

I think that's all the factions one might ever need, unless you're considering the Talon as a BW ship in UE2... After all, like Chris just said, we know for sure that Talons won't fall apart even after a century of use - which makes them a bit more like your beloved Scimitars :p

Well, I guess there's probably BW Talons out there somewhere, though somehow I get the feeling people would prefer not to have to fly them ;). Still, you never know when you might need a Talon.
Originally posted by Eder
Nah, I don't think I'm gonna upload the old JPGs to the new site... those ships aren't gonna be used anymore, anyway. (So I think you better save those shots Wedge, they might become worth billions someday :p)
Heh, you're funny. It's just that I like to link the pictures in my scripts to some nice pictures of the fighters in those pictures, and your old JPEGs are in some of those links. So how long before the site stops running?
I'm afraid I don't know precisely when the site will go down... It probably won't take much longer, though.

Originally posted by ChrisReid
Talons exist through no less than 130 years of the Wing Commander timeline.. so anything's possible. :)

Whaaaaaaaaaat?? 130 years old ship.....??:confused: :confused:
Originally posted by Ghost
You can see a Talon in Pruvateer 2

I dont remember any ship named Talon....the only Priv2 ship close to talon`s design is Icarus ...but its not a Talon
Im just asking cause I ve never seen one!Im not saying that I dont believe you!If you say so,there is a Talon in Priv2.It just seems strange to me....
From what I've heard, the Talon in Priv 2 is something of an Easter Egg, so it's not like it's really obvious, screaming "Look at me! I'm a Talon from the original Privateer!" ;)

It's in the Ships Database, but I guess we never got around to putting in the right image. I'll do that now.
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Man ! I dont believe it......I dont remember or I have never met any Talons at Priv2...........anyway thanks Kris
If you turn on your SOS receiver (or whatever that thing was called), I think the first e-mail you get is a request to keep a few pirates from destroying an unknown ship so that someone can study it or something... that ship is the Talon. AFAIK, that's the only mission in which you get to see it (and only if you manage to protect it long enough :)).

Oh......I got to re re re re re re re re play my Darkening again.....I dont remember a god damn thing........