Missing Base Textures


Osirus Sheshank

I have noticed a minor bug, I'm wondering if anyone else has run in to it. The models are beautiful, but I have found a couple of missing textures in-game.

The top part of Perry's dome is currently not showing any textures, while the rest of the structure is. Also, I can't tell whether it's the top or the bottom, but half of New Constantinople is also missing its textures

Does anyone else have this problem? Also, if it is just a problem of misssing texture files, is there any way I could get those?

This is a beautiful game. Thank you for making it.
no idea why this occurs... perhaps the texture coordinates are wrong on those bases and most people don't see this because the glwrap extension works fine on *most* cards
If it was a problem with that I'd think I would have seen it, since it showed up for me on the ejection seat. Of course, the ejection seat's coordinates were really weird. I'll take a look at those two bases and try to adjust. They are rather high poly and I'm afraid wings will garf if I try, but we'll see :)