Linda Park fans?

Not yet, But I will be getter it soon

I agree with you Chris, the Mirror Universe thread Pics would be better
She's reasonably dollsome.

And the boxed sets arrived yesterday. I believe ChrisReid has a disk that we didn't get here though?
Don't worry; the R2 sets have the "bonus" featurette/s included in the regular set. In the US you have to buy the sets at specific stores to get them.
OK guys, was wondering what you lot were all harping on about (because I've never really gotten into Enterprise) - so thought I'd do a google search on Ms Park to find out what's so spesh about her.

Thanks a lot guys.
My lust-o-meter has just popped off the scale.
Bandit LOAF said:
A delicious buttered roll?

I sure wouldn't mind one right now.

Percy said:
OK guys, was wondering what you lot were all harping on about (because I've never really gotten into Enterprise) - so thought I'd do a google search on Ms Park to find out what's so spesh about her.

I am probably the biggest fan of asian women that I know, but I would only call her reasonably attractive. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
I'm with the Park fans ALL THE WAY on that one!


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My bad

The stupid thing is, I have image hosting abilities with my e-mail account