Kilrathi Saga on a modern engine


Vice Admiral
After seeing how well Standoff is doing, I can't imagine how great it would be to see the old WC with graphics like X3 coming out. Not to mention the fact that soon programmers will be able to utilize 64mb processing rather than the 32mb CPUs of today. I'm optimistic about the possibility of that happening, even having additions to include events from the novels (already a possibility with Wing Commander Universe in the works). Comments?
To be sure, it's 64-bit and 32-bit processors. A full and faithful WC remake isn't likely to happen for several reasons already discussed on the forum. The good news is we have several active, creative and talented teams of fans that can accomplish better things than simply recreating the originals. Keep up the good work, folks.
Wulf said:
I'm optimistic about the possibility of that happening, even having additions to include events from the novels (already a possibility with Wing Commander Universe in the works). Comments?

This thread's been done dozens of times. Standoff does/will include events from the novels. I don't see how Wing Commander Universe has anything to do with including novel events. All the mods are capable of it, and WCU butchers way too many things from WC games for me to trust how they'd handle stuff from the books.
They're characters, not real people - they can't steal the show from anyone, because they only do what you want them to do.
ChrisReid said:
All the mods are capable of it, and WCU butchers way too many things from WC games for me to trust how they'd handle stuff from the books.

Yeah, I see your point there; after looking back on what it had to offer, it has practically no boundaries for what anyone can do. Could be a bad thing...

So perhaps mods like Standoff, Ranger, and Unknown Enemy are the best route to go after all. New characters, different fleets in different sectors, but within the same period, all contribute to the WC epic without harming the legacy of the classics. Let the originals be as they are, so to speak.

I LOVE the projects that are out now! Still, the thought of seeing future mods with the same quality of storytelling and music, with higher graphics, fills my mind with anticipation :D