Just stumbled upon your site...



...and I just want to say what a great job you guys are doing! I've just downloaded and installed the first two chapters and I must say I'm very impressed. The first time I fired my weapons and saw those old WC balls a-flyin' I let out a little yelp of glee. And I can't believe I found this just a day before a new chapter is set to be released!

Just great stuff, folks. Keep up the great work, and thanks so much for making an old Wing Commander fan happy!
Hehe, we're glad you liked the game so far... and indeed, this was a particularly nice day to have stumbled upon our site. :)

There's three more chapters full of oldschool WC action coming... and one of them just happens to be coming in less than 24 hours - so, yay! :p
will the gap between chapters now start to slowly get closer together or can we assume the same gap of time between each chapters release?
We intend to get both remaining episodes released this year, but that leaves us with eleven months and three weeks ;). The gap between episodes 3 and 4 is definitely not going to be shorter than the gap between episodes 2 and 3, and more likely, it will be longer.

To put things into perspective - although you might find it hard to believe after you play it, this episode contains no less than 15 separate missions. Compare this with episode 2 (which had five missions), and you'll wonder how in hell did we manage this in five months flat :p. So, to expect the gap to be shorter now is unrealistic to say the least.