It's That Time of Year Again (July 11, 2000)



We're down to one month before the CIC turns two years old. Although this will be our official third year in operation, most of us have been working on Wing Commander news pages for twice that long. We've seen a lot of changes in the community over that time, and the past will no doubt be a hot topic of coversation this year. We'll be releasing more information in the coming weeks, but for starters we have the basics. On the evening of August 10, we'll be getting together in #WingNut on DALnet at 7:00 pm EST (4:00 pm PST and 11:00 pm GMT.. actually I think US times are now DT instead of ST, but same difference). We hope to have an engaging event with a number of you, update some CIC works and give out Wing Commander related prizes. If you have any questions, need to sync up times or anything else, feel free to email us or drop by the channel.While on the subject, a belated happy birthday also goes to CplHades.

Original update published on July 11, 2000
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