It's a Miracle


Hay guyz,

So, I replayed WC1 for the first time in over ten years recently. During one mission, I had to defend the Claw against attacking Kilrathi fighters, and I utterly failed to do so. After my first attempt, "with my carrier destroyed, I drift endlessly through the void..." On my second attempt, the Claw bit the dust again, and I ejected for no real good reason...

...and found myself on board the Claw, getting chewed out by Col. Halcyon for wasting a perfectly good Rapier!

Funny. :)

These games are awesome. Beat WC1 last night and started on WC2, which I actually never played the first time around, so it's all new to me. Good times.


Now that you've started WC2, you've got a good chance to catch up with our group. We've stopped at mission 18, but if you have enough free time you should be able to catch up. You're welcome to join and post for each of the replay weeks. I hope to see more of your replies soon!