
ARGH! Zor Prime accuses Mekt of being a Kilrathi spy in fact to divert attention!! :D

(kind of reminds me of Jazz and Hobbes in WC2... :) )
Originally posted by mpanty
ARGH! Zor Prime accuses Mekt of being a Kilrathi spy in fact to divert attention!! :-D

(kind of reminds me of Jazz and Hobbes in WC2... :-))

Heheheh, 'tis funny to think of that... in the end, it turned out that god damn piano player was right about Hobbes all along. Ok so it's not so funny, kinda sad actually :(


I miss Hobbes. The first WC game I played was WCIII, so I didn't fully feel the sadness till I went back for WC2 and knew the poor Cat's destiny. :(
I loved Hobbes too, hence the quote at the bottom!, and I really wish he hadn' his problem. :) Even if it really wasn't his fault.
You know, I've always thought hobbes was truly innocent. I mean if they can implant a whole new mind onto him to make him go to the terran side, couldn't the traitor to the terran mindest have been the actual implant. Maybe they knew he was going to go traitor and said, hey lets give him a loyal mindset .

It placiates me at least.
I think everyone loved Hobbes , even after he sliced'n'diced Cobra ( she had an attitude problem anyway ). Still , it didnt stop me from kicking his furry ass when I saw him next.
Yeah I went straight after him. But I quickly loaded my last save-game after I found out that one of my wingmen ( Vaquero?? ) died because of it .
Yeah I liked Vaquero and his cantina , thats why I loaded my last save-game. Im glad I did , cos I enjoyed smashing Hobbes later on with the Excal.
Originally posted by Supdon3
maybe he flew the whole way and just got there.

Well, a T-bolt isn't jump capable, and and the trip would take a few thousand years at 380 KPS. :) I think that after so many years flying for the Terrans, Hobbes was just more comfortable with the Thunderbolt.

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Wedge009
There's a difference between having a bias towards/against something, and being completely devoted to it, Mekt. ;-)

I know, but at least Quarto was on the right track. <g> But it's good to know where he went, thanks for the info.

Originally posted by Raptor

(...) I think that after so many years flying for the Terrans, Hobbes was just more comfortable with the Thunderbolt.

That and maybe the fact that the Tbolt is superior to any regular Kilrathi fighter. ;)
Indeed, it always annoyed me because Hobbes in Thunderbolt would be harder to kill that Thrakhath in a Bloodfang. :)

Originally posted by Arcadian15
...if they can implant a whole new mind onto him to make him go to the Terran side, couldn't the traitor to the Terran mindset have been the actual implant. Maybe they knew he was going to go traitor and said, hey let's give him a loyal mindset.
Ah, it's a wishful theory, one that Quarto and I toyed with. But there's no denying that the Hobbes we knew was not real. Heh, like Darth Vader, I suppose we can always think of Ralgha as being Hobbes' murderer. (From a certain point of view ;))