Have more time now


Sorry for my longer than previously noted absence...
supercomputing.org extended their paper deadline for a week, so I used that week to polish it up a *lot*... actually was a quite nice week.

Anyhow I'm back at work on 1.01 code changes right now-- mamiya0taru is working on reducing the radar range back to 15,000 (it was a little higher for 1.0--and it takes a lot of work to make it playable with such a tiny radar window)

we're considering making the radar front-cone only, like the original--but that seems a bit harsh and counter-intuitive.

Anyhow that's the status report-- John Cordell has nicely summarized the forum requests into a big code-fix ToDo list, so I will mostly be working from that and occasionally coming here to answer things here and there.