Forum-Based RPG Recruiting Wingnuts (April 21, 2012)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator

Silent Hunter is an experienced role player and Wing Commander fan, but the current lineup of MUD/MUSH-type games don't suit his time zone. The Wing Commander community has a long history of play-by-email and forum-based role playing, and he's looking to start something up again on the web. Interested potential players can help kick this off at the Phoenix Roleplaying forum or by hitting the Discuss link below.

I?ve been following your site for a while and am a fan of the Wing Commander series. In fact, I?m considering creating a forum-based roleplaying game based around the series. I am aware of the two MUD games, but as a user located in the UK, I can?t play in those to my full ability due to time zone differences.

However, to do this, I need players for the site ? we?re not a massive site and there isn?t the fan base here to make the game viable.

At the moment, I?m looking into something set around WC1, but input would be greatly appreciated.

Original update published on April 21, 2012
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Hey there,

I love to see more RP in the WC universe spring up, but I noticed in the news post you mentioned that the MUSHes aren't an option because you're in the UK. I can't speak for Gemini Sector, but WC: New Horizon has plenty of UK, Europe, and US-daytime players.

We also have a number of tools in place to allow you to RP with other people even if they're not online by trading messages, similar to a forum, so I encourage you to check it out if roleplaying in the WC universe is of interest.
Hey there,

I love to see more RP in the WC universe spring up, but I noticed in the news post you mentioned that the MUSHes aren't an option because you're in the UK. I can't speak for Gemini Sector, but WC: New Horizon has plenty of UK, Europe, and US-daytime players.

We also have a number of tools in place to allow you to RP with other people even if they're not online by trading messages, similar to a forum, so I encourage you to check it out if roleplaying in the WC universe is of interest.

Rince - I was actually a member of New Horizon under the name Julia Maczarek - however, I was only able to do one multi-player RP (hardly anyone was on when I was and they were all in different game locations) and then some security thing blocked my access. I also didn't find the code/chargen thing entirely to my liking.

I wish you every success with your game, though.
The Gemini Mush actually has another European on it, plus often times there are a couple of us on during the afternoon EST. Granted that is probably pushing to the very late evening/early night hours of 8 pm to 1 pm for European players.
Rince - I was actually a member of New Horizon under the name Julia Maczarek - however, I was only able to do one multi-player RP (hardly anyone was on when I was and they were all in different game locations) and then some security thing blocked my access. I also didn't find the code/chargen thing entirely to my liking.

I wish you every success with your game, though.

Ahh, hey there. Yeah, you were on in our first week of opening and things were still getting started. We're now hitting 20 people online regularly, so things are a lot more... coherent :)

Best of luck!
Thank you.

The sim now has a name (Wing Commander: From The Ashes) and will soon have a dedicated forum.
Just wanted to encourage more people to post on their forum. Silent has got a great concept for the setting and backstory, and everyone has been extremely friendly and enthusiastic. Hope to see some of you guys there!
I may give the forum sim a closer look once things are a little more established. Not quite sure how it works format-wise.
I may give the forum sim a closer look once things are a little more established. Not quite sure how it works format-wise.

There are several new threads open now, including info on our carrier and fighter wing. They are taking applications, which I think will really help get things going. If you take a look at some of their other sims I think you'll get a feel for how things work. It seems very fun and straightforward, and I like that they make sure you've gotten a chance to develop your character along the way.
I may give the forum sim a closer look once things are a little more established. Not quite sure how it works format-wise.

It's basically a collaborative fan-fic: players write what their character is doing in third-person and the GM adjudicates any combat.
This used to be all we used to do in the Aces, if we weren't DDOSing each other for fun (had some really weird friends in the 90s) we were doling out PBMs and Indys of all kinds. I used to have the patience for most of it but thinking of sticking with a tabletop atmosphere. If I had half the energy I did back then I'd probably sign on. Still, good to see PBMing and MUDs are still fun for some. That's why we do this right?
slightly OT, but where did the picture of the galaxy being attacked by demons come from? it's not a scene that's used in Privateer or Righteous Fire at all....