Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Silent Hunter is an experienced role player and Wing Commander fan, but the current lineup of MUD/MUSH-type games don't suit his time zone. The Wing Commander community has a long history of play-by-email and forum-based role playing, and he's looking to start something up again on the web. Interested potential players can help kick this off at the Phoenix Roleplaying forum or by hitting the Discuss link below.
I?ve been following your site for a while and am a fan of the Wing Commander series. In fact, I?m considering creating a forum-based roleplaying game based around the series. I am aware of the two MUD games, but as a user located in the UK, I can?t play in those to my full ability due to time zone differences.
However, to do this, I need players for the site ? we?re not a massive site and there isn?t the fan base here to make the game viable.
At the moment, I?m looking into something set around WC1, but input would be greatly appreciated.
Original update published on April 21, 2012
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