Flight Commander 1.0.1 Update Available


Vice Admiral
I've put up a bug fix release of Flight Commander 1.0.1. Several folks reported problems with the ship continually banking and spinning. This was due to an error in the joystick code. If you were having problems with this, go to the download page, and get the small update.

Just tried it out, it's really nice! I haven't tried the old version, but in that one I played, all ships turn quite slowly. But I dunno if it was like that in the old version, but they turn definitly much slower than in WCP.

Another thin. It seems like sometimes the enemy ships try to form on my wing :confused:
sweet, it actually works on my comp now! that update also fixed my opengl.dll thing that wasnt working before. but it runs very very very slowly. is there a way to speed it up?
Go to the settings menu and tweak away.

Iceman16 said:
sweet, it actually works on my comp now! that update also fixed my opengl.dll thing that wasnt working before. but it runs very very very slowly. is there a way to speed it up?
well I tried adjusting the settings but nothing changed and all the text is messed up, its all over the place.
Try using these settings. Everything is set to minimum. You'll have to rename to just settings.xml and put it in your FC directory.


well, its a bit better inflight but its still really really slow, only on average 2 frames per second, any way to get it to work faster?
Nope, sorry. You'd need a faster system.

Iceman16 said:
well, its a bit better inflight but its still really really slow, only on average 2 frames per second, any way to get it to work faster?
This is a great example of how configurable Flight Commander is. If you want to tweak the turning speed, just open up constants.xml in any text editor and change the value for angle_factor.

Lynx said:
Just tried it out, it's really nice! I haven't tried the old version, but in that one I played, all ships turn quite slowly. But I dunno if it was like that in the old version, but they turn definitly much slower than in WCP.

Another thin. It seems like sometimes the enemy ships try to form on my wing :confused:
Ram won't help
clearly he has some opengl.dll that isn't from his video card manufacturor
download the latest openGL drivers from nvidia.com or ati.com or wherever you got your video card...
that game doesnt' require a 21 century graphics card so unless you're running some Intel Video Decelerator from 1999 you should be fine
yeah, I dont have any brand new hot off the press hardware on my comp, the latest hardware that i have is a cdrom drive that I bought after a cd broke up in my old cdrom drive. I think my video card is nvidia but not sure. I'll try downloading the opengl thing when I get home (Im at my stupid hick school right now)
ok so I finally got some time to try the open gl thing but I cant install it. I have a trident TGUI 9685 video card but I forget where I downloaded the drivers from. can anyone help?
hey, guess what? last night there was a power outage and when the power came back on, it fried my video card so its unuseable now( using my moms comp right now which still works) so I put in a bid for a new video card on ebay (RIVA STB Systems Inc. Velocity 128 (nVidia chipset) so will that make flight commander work(in conjunction with a new opengl.dll)?
I hope you didn't bet more then $10 on that one. Its about as slow as what? - a Voodoo1? I would seriously doubt that it got the power to run Flight Commander, but I could be wrong.