Flagship question

For a long time the TCS Concordia was the flagship of the Confed fleet. Well after she went down. What ship became the new flagship for the Confed fleet?
For a long time the TCS Concordia was the flagship of the Confed fleet. Well after she went down. What ship became the new flagship for the Confed fleet?

You're thinking too much like Star Trek flagships. The Concordia wasn't really the flagship of the entire Confederation. She was the ship Tolwyn utilized as a his personal flag ship, which is what is meant when an Admiral "transfers his flag."

Take Admiral Fletcher during the Battle of Midway. His Flagship, the Yorktown, was a wreck, on fire, and unable to get moving under her own power after being attacked by Japanese bombers. He transferred his flag to a cruiser, if memory serves it was the USS Astoria. That ship was then his flag ship and the Yorktown lost it's "Flag" status.

Admiral Tolwyn appeared to have become a base commander after the BoT. Confed probably wanted to keep one of their best strategists close to home after that. Although when the Behemoth project got under way, Tolwyn used the Victory as his flagship.
If I remember right in modern military sense the flagship is the ship in that perticular fleet that the admiral will call his home (his base of operations) and as in military rank an admiral is what is known as a flag officer (if im remembering correctly) hence the term flagship. so as there is an admiral incharge of every individual fleet there are many flagships. (if im remembering right its been a while since I looked at naval structure)
From Wiki...

A flagship is the lead ship in a fleet of vessels, a designation given on account of being either the largest, fastest, newest, most heavily armed or, for publicity purposes, the most well known. In military terms, it is a ship used by the commanding officer of a group of naval ships. The term originates from the custom of the commanding officer (usually, but not always, a flag officer) to fly a distinguishing flag.
Take Admiral Fletcher during the Battle of Midway. His Flagship, the Yorktown, was a wreck, on fire, and unable to get moving under her own power after being attacked by Japanese bombers. He transferred his flag to a cruiser, if memory serves it was the USS Astoria. That ship was then his flag ship and the Yorktown lost it's "Flag" status.

Actually, that isn't entirely accurate. Fletcher transfered his flag when he realized he would not be able to effectively command from Yorktown. She was not on fire at the time, but was in more danger of turning turtle, she did have power, but they didn't know if the flooding would capsize the ship.
To repeat what everyone else said, Wing Commander does usually treat flagships the 'right' way -- meaning they're where particular officers fly their flags (the Concordia was flagship of the 14th Fleet while Tolwyn was aboard in Wing Commander II... she was flagship of Task Force 45 at the start of Fleet Action... and then the 3rd Fleet at the end).

... except when it doesn't. Origin FX makes the odd claim that the 'TCS Paradigm' (yes, a Paradigm) was the Confederation's flagship in 2663.
... except when it doesn't. Origin FX makes the odd claim that the 'TCS Paradigm' (yes, a Paradigm) was the Confederation's flagship in 2663.

The implication that all of the flag officers of the Confederation were aboard the Paradigm during that year is incredibly amusing to think about.
Origin FX makes the odd claim that the 'TCS Paradigm' (yes, a Paradigm) was the Confederation's flagship in 2663.
Do they specifically state that the TCS Paradigm was also a Paradigm-class ship? I mean, i'd rather have a CVE than a small destroyer/frigate/corvette/whateveritis that can be destroyed by a single privateer with a Tarsus.
I was just rereading Fleet Action. Would it be fair to say that the Battle of Terra finished the Concordia? She would never see the frontlines after the battle of earth. So it seems like even though she survived, she was finished.
I was just rereading Fleet Action. Would it be fair to say that the Battle of Terra finished the Concordia? She would never see the frontlines after the battle of earth. So it seems like even though she survived, she was finished.

Actually in the WC3 novel Blair says the Concordia was destroyed in one of the follow-up battles and that he survived it because he was wounded and in hospital. She may have suffered severe damage at the Battle of Terra, but they obviously needed every ship they had to drive the remaining cats out.
I believe Vespus was supposed to be a somewhat quiet backwater - front lines but not in the thick of it.
Okay, I'm an idiot. On consideration, I'm conflating two references. Origin FX only makes the less-but-still-odd claim that the Paradigm is the 'pride of the capital fleet'. The Confederation Handbook says that the Concordia supercruiser was 'named Confed flagship in 2645' and serves as a mobile platform for Naval command. So, the Confederation does have an 'overall' flagship used by the war's planners.

maybe confed's equivalent of 'air force one' was a paradigm :P

I would like to see something done with this idea someday. (I don't think a warship gets a special callsign when the President is aboard, though; Space Force One would be a Hercules or something.)

Do they specifically state that the TCS Paradigm was also a Paradigm-class ship? I mean, i'd rather have a CVE than a small destroyer/frigate/corvette/whateveritis that can be destroyed by a single privateer with a Tarsus.

It's actually from a screensaver module which is a Paradigm that flies back and forth across your screen.

I was just rereading Fleet Action. Would it be fair to say that the Battle of Terra finished the Concordia? She would never see the frontlines after the battle of earth. So it seems like even though she survived, she was finished.

Voices of War does claim that having become 'rather rickety after years of abuse' she was 'placed on indefinite patrol status, Code 4'... but you're likely reading "rearguard" wrong in the limited account of her destruction. This doesn't indicate she was guarding some safe planet... it means she was covering a force during a retreat (like in Special Operations 1, when Concordia held off the Kilrathi to allow elements of the 6th Fleet to escape Deneb... this was a rearguard action.)

I believe Vespus was supposed to be a somewhat quiet backwater - front lines but not in the thick of it.

Vespus was a major system; when the Confederation pulled out of Blackmane, it was to consolidate forces around bases at Torgo (seen in the introduction) and Vespus.
We don't happen to know what Tolwyn's flag looks like, do we?

Er, I suppose the better question is whether or not flag officers in WC still carry on the tradition of having a flag created for them in the first place. :rolleyes:
My guess is that he has one - tradition and all. He does "strike his flag" when he leaves the Victory in the Wing Commander III novel.

(We definitely see Tarawa's commissioning pennant in Fleet Action.)
I would like to see something done with this idea someday. (I don't think a warship gets a special callsign when the President is aboard, though; Space Force One would be a Hercules or something.)

I'm not at all familiar with Confed's government, so I'm going to go by American rules. If the president outranks the entire military, would that make the president a sort of flag officer? Could that warrant a specific ship being the flagship of the entire military if it became a semi-permanent office? Just thinking out loud here.

We don't happen to know what Tolwyn's flag looks like, do we?

Er, I suppose the better question is whether or not flag officers in WC still carry on the tradition of having a flag created for them in the first place. :rolleyes:

Using a real-world example, flags for high ranking officers are uniform. Some may brandish a flag with some customization, but officially they're all the same. I would imagine that likewise Tolwyn's flag would be the same as everyone else of his rank.

My guess is that he has one - tradition and all. He does "strike his flag" when he leaves the Victory in the Wing Commander III novel.

(We definitely see Tarawa's commissioning pennant in Fleet Action.)

Ah. Are these flown externally or just used as a banner aboard the ship?