First screenshot of a Vesuvius Class Carrier


The textures need some work !


This isn´t a Wing Commander Ship but ...


Steele Aerospace - I have a good feeling about this page :-)
Almost needless to say, but this is GREAT WORK (as always)!

BTW do you convert B5 stuff, too?

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
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Steele: I don't suppose you'd be willing to do a Ferret? Of course, you'd have to actually make the model from scratch...
Very nice....looks like you fixed the Bridge problem.

Anyway to save steele some work...a few pics from the upcoming WCTC demo



Site SHOULD be up soon...all flash and stuff.

"I hope you make it, Tarkington. Just don't pull the handle till after we've hit. Promise me."
"I'm behind you all the way CAG..."
-Captain Jacob Lee "Coolhand" Grafton, and Lieutenant Robert "Toad" Tarkington, Final Flight
Yep,the Bridge will be fixed !! Excellent Ferret Nob !!!!!!
God,I love Space Games

Steele Aerospace - I have a good feeling about this page :-)
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Just a quick note, it's just SO, it's not an add-on to Prophecy. And what do you mean it doesen't have any turets in SO, of course it does.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
Then what in the _ ell did it shoot the bugs with, giant eyes projecting bolts of energy? what model? if it one of those wc3d thingies how do you get those to work?
Yesyes it´s right,I´ve see it last night when I played for a little time SO !!
Ok,the problem is I have problems to make rotating Turrets or Comsys on XWA ships,it´s possible to add them but it wouldn´t work !!

Steele Aerospace - I have a good feeling about this page :-)
Nob: Very, very nice. But there's something wrong with the nose. It just doesn't seem quite right. I don't know why though.
Oh, and what's WCTC? Have I missed something again?
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Models in WCP and SO don't have turrets attached. The game displays them as seperate entities. Of course this makes positioning them accurately on converted models a real bitch.

A quick question: Does the XWA engine allow you to fly through the hangar? That restriction in SO cut down the potential of the model dramatically.

Barrie "Cpl Hades" Almond
You can fly through it's hangar in software mode.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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Can you make the "armor" inside the hangar weaker than from the outside ? I don't know about XWA's engine, but it would be real cool to be able to desing a ship with different levels of protection depending of the "soft spots" it would have in real-life !

Boy, I am dreaming again


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Steele:Worum geht`s hier eigentlich?Sind das Modelle für ein Spiel?Könnte mir das vielleicht mal jemand erklären?Das wäre nett!
Stardust: Das sind Schiff-Konversionen für X-Wing Alliance,ich hab mich zwar auch an Prophecy mit Editieren gewagt aber XWA ist einfacher zu bearbeiten (hatte ja auch etwas Erfahrung mit XvT) !! Außerdem macht das´n heidenspaß mit ´ner Hellcat TIE Bomber Angriffe auf meine Victory abzuwehren

Steele Aerospace - I have a good feeling about this page :-)

[This message has been edited by Steele (edited February 02, 2000).]
Ah,verstehe!Kann mir vorstellen,dass das witzig ist!

P.S. : Deine Victory sieht Klasse aus!

[This message has been edited by Stardust (edited February 02, 2000).]