Final Conflict (November 14, 2000)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
WCDC posted this information -- changes to the Final Conflict plot, from Rylex.
Because I couldn't get much original Sounds from Maniac and Casey, I will change the storyline of "Final Conflict" - or let's say the voices. Maniac and Casey will still fly in the movie, and Maniac will of course say some funny words. In the battle-scenes, Maniac and Casey will play a big part as well.The main actors will be replaced by my voice and voices of my friends (German version). That will make the story more interesting, because I don't use the original sounds everybody already knows... (and we have more freedom with what we say, because we don't need to stick to original sounds of WC (which are hard to get))

Original update published on November 14, 2000
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